Tuesday, March 22, 2022

this is almost too deep to think in words

What caused "my mind.. in motion" (Dune the old movie, when the mentat drinks his juice of Safu) was thinking about a video regarding the universality of myth.
I have always loved folk lore and cultural stories, and I had never actually taken the time to catalogue the archetypes for truth or common origin. But, others have and sort of decided for the rest of the world, so they would not need the actual sources, that they were all the same. I watched a particular video where the person reasoned out how utterly unlikely such common tropes denoted a common source, but rather a common humanity.

OK, that is where I started, but as I thought to myself, EXACTLY, it is that humanity that we share and it's origin must naturally be common, so whatever you call your diety, we are all alike because we share an ancestry. I have always wondered why the name of Father was chosen, and it makes alot of sense the way we think of relationships. A father creates children who are all his family, then it is his focus to create a home for them... but, this is just skimming the surface, dare I try to dive deeper verbally? I'll try...
It starts with black holes. Do they even exist? What are they? In Philosophy 101 at Ole Miss I decided that any thing was defined by it's purpose. My main example was a butter knife, could also be a screw driver, uh what is a screw driver? It is not defined as a butter knife, but as a tool to accomplish something. So, we know about black holes by noting what they accomplish. We notice the effects of something, a variable defined as a black hole... jumping back... I suspect that in their own ways each culture defined an unknown through stories. And that individually, we can know things, and then algebraically splice them together to understand what is...eh, that's my best attempt. I don't  know how to use words that will yet, sorry.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

time changed nothing

Last night, I realized  something that surprised me. Time had matured my body, but I was still a giddy schoolgirl at heart.

The difference came not in how I felt, but how I reacted. Every part of my frame wanted to say or do something, but instead I maintained my smooth exterior and did not even mention a thing that, to this point, still is monumental to me. I could have expressed how much my life had been improved at least, but I did nothing. What happened? Glad you asked, so I can unload it here at least.
I was in the food court at BYU just casually ordering my food when I saw a hero and his son. I could have at least mentioned that I recognized him, to let him know about the good effect he has on the world, but instead I just marveled how in person I was actually taller than this spiritual giant. Then, I saw him again, and each time I had plenty of time to atleast make a comment. It might benefit his son to recall the effect for good that his father had that even some strange lady approached him when least expected. But. It reminded me of the same reaction I had to seeing Tal Bachman in person as a young adult. Inside I was screaming 😱 but, because it felt inappropriate, I gave no external indication that I was in awe. But, obviously, I was effected, and practically need to express such here, time has not dulled my inner fan girl one tiny bit. Hence, I am here writing about my encounter though I made it seem insignificant. 

Why is seeing someone any notable thing anyway? It is because I cannot say that I said nothing, but am writing about it to let it out somehow. A person is a person. Maybe not though...a lyric I wrote in college come to mind "... in the spotlight. Will he speak my language, know what I'm saying." I ronically, the next part is an allusion to Jacob, it goes, "It seven years since yesterday, but just a moment until to tomorrow..." I have a theory blossoming, but humility forces me, even here/now to keep it to myself. I had read about a similar Swedish phenomenon where one literally in unable to acknowledge greatness. It is attributed to nurture or culture, it has a name, though I cannot think of it. Maybe it is not as much cultural as it is the suppression of an attribute (think epigenetics). Here is a videoclip explaining, maybe, why I do not behave or do things that I feel to say or do: