Sunday, April 27, 2014

Brain dump (stk. conf. broadcast)

Choir - This is the Christ.

Elder Arnold -

Clarion call to hasten the work.

Story of owning a baby lamb.
Lost his baby lamb, sort of how we lost a goat. We do not know any specifics, but it doesn't matter, the lord is aware of the fact that a lamb is missing.

We are all responsible for finding every sheep, not figure out if it is our  responsibility.

We can receive miracles when we obey promptings to help others join us.

Gospel discussions can come very easily in the strangest locations. When we learn the stories of others we might find others who need us.

Think of a family member and pray whole heartedly for answer the call to bring others back.

We can find others by getting to know everyone over whom we have a stewardship, like good shepherds.

Take and raise the weak. The hands that hang down.

Sister Epslin

How do you teach children the things that will really be learned?

GIve highest priority to family teaching. Know each child!

In families, love is spelled T-I-M-E.

Kids want to know what our parents believe and why. This is what will be essential to help the other things of the world slide off like water off of a duck's back.

We like to measure things.

Temple reccommend interviews help to measure our lives along with temple service which is learned through everthing that surrounds us.

There is a difference and more refinedness, beauty, in those who keep the commandments, this is not the same as the way the world measures our worth.

All of us require a miracle like the one where the food was blessed to feed a multitude.

Elder Andersen mentioned the thing  Elder Packard said about the saints in Davis County.

To mothers of small children, do not fear, usually they are not allowed in the conference, they are just excited and screaming out with joy.

Talked about Jared Bangeter.

YOLO you only live once changed to YOLE you only live eternally. That makes things easier when making a choice because you do not gave to consider the earthly consequences when making a choice.

Story of two farmers, one would not work on Sunday and his crops suffered because of it. The other chided when it came time to harvest he asked, "your God didn't seem to help you, maybe it would be better to focus on natural laws than Heavenly principles." But we are comforted to know that the Lord doesn't judge our progress each October.

The thing president Eyring was taught in 1970's by the Lord is a foundation for us all to live on. Record significant things. He was told, " I have not given you this for your benefit. " personally, I find that true a lot of the time. I want to know so the Lord keeps his promise, but it really was not information that was intended for me.

When the choir sang I thought they sounded a lot like our congregation. So, I thought, "Wow, we sound that good?" I have been getting too comonplace and accepting things that are at such a high level, when I really ought to be impressed and in awe and most of all grateful.

Again, it was expressed how this is truly a choice place to be and that some of the Lord's choicest children are here and I am honored to be called here.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring cleaning

I have been trying for years to fix my home up by giving everything a place, but I keep getting more junk. I have recently found two more things that help keep a home tidy, though I haven't been able to do them, I know they would help considerably.

1) clutter buddy. Find a non biased friend to go through your things and get rid of them. This works so well, because they can see the thing from a different perspective, free from all of the emotional biases our "things" cause.

2) start over. This is an idea for clothes as we age. We tend to hold on to clothing that is not appropriate anymore or simply makes is feel bad or attached to a previous age. In my case, I want desperately to feel confident about my body, but my clothes are either tattered or too small and do not help me feel better.

I used to think that we recreate ourselves by moving, but it can be as simple as buying a need wardrobe, and each time I moved I started with a bare minimum of things to wear, but always had enough. Now, I find most of my clothes were actually given away, as trash by another, so why should I cling to them.

I write up what my goal is to have in my wardrobe, then comes the courage to act and actually get rid of everything and start over. Getting dressed will be fun because I will love everything I own. Plus, I always review in my mind the scripture that tells of the haughty women with multiple changes of apparel. I start to wonder if having so many pieces of clothing is essential.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


This is something I feel strongly about. Mostly, it is because of situation. What you do on Sunday indicates your devotion, or speaks much more loudly than any other time because it is how you choose to spend your time.

Brain dump

It is of great interest to me as I  heard the choir sing a spiritual how it was commented in the film "The Mission" how the natives were naturally musically minded, and gifted. I think music and spirituality have a common strain.

How we view the temple represents how we feel about the atonement.

We are born to progress and without progressing we cannot be happy.

The Savior can and will help us reach our potential. He lived again, that alone ought to prove to us thathe has the power to do impossible things.

Cute story about what Joseph told me Lucy said to him. Later, I asked what she said to him. He told me, she smiled and said, " I like you."

A covenant is a promise made with the Lord.

Lord always blessed us when we keep his covenants.

Temple marraige helps us keep perspective through hard times. Makes you a better person.

Abrahamic covenant -  numberless descendants,through Abraham all nations will be blessed. Through the preisthood, you may recieve all of the ordinances of exhultation.

Along with the blessings we recieve as the Lord's covenant people, we have great responsibilities.


New and everlasting covenant, is not really new, but it is new to the people. But, does it really distinguish from other covenants?


Joseph Fielding Smith never asked, but willingly did all that was asked of him.

The story of breaking his leg, but continued to go to his meetings, he was very dedicated.

Sometimes we need to learn the thing that we need to change.

Talked about David Archuleta being a zone zeader and it is about serving not the calling. He was used as an example because he did not feel able to do or be a good man for such a duty but that is where we are supposed to be. This goes for any of us in any calling.

People called are just ordinary people, but all along I had felt that they were just different people, like my parents, they were just parents or people who loved the boring things.

Lesson on fish, gave fish to those kids.

Help round you out. I learned how it will be done not by happy roses, but because we must work hard is how we grow. I learned this from Sister Haidenthaler telling us about the piano calling vs. Her current ability.

Taught 10 5 year old children she thought she could not do it, but it always help, some ways we do missionary work which is all service.

Monday, April 14, 2014

brain dump

Attending church although he was not a member of it because he knew that the things they taught and discussed were true. Finally, he knew it was the church of Jesus Christ.

We all want shout "Amen" or "hallelujah" when we hear the words of our hearts spoken by others, so Testimony is the best way to less flamboyantly express our appreciation as it bubbles up in us.

**The story of ten dollars and it's foundation for a strong testimony regarding testimony of tithing.
told by Fran Gama. It is interesting that I lack the ability to retell it as well as she had finely chosen her words. And she had expressed such admiration as she quoted Lorenzo Snow instead of paraphrasing his words. Basically, she found some needed money one morning that was neatly hidden where it was sure to be found when needed in her scriptures.

Another brilliant idea is to write down our sincere questions prior to conference to review afterwards.

The best thing about God is that He can really do all of the things he has done before.

Like the Savior, himself,  The bishop often says no words, but just puts his arm around us offering support.**I remember when a lady was kind, but although, I do not actually recall if she put her arm around me, but, I distinctly thought she was representing the Lord, and things were impressed upon my being as to never possibly be removed.

"I am grateful for all of the things that I have learned here and will be taking them back to Mongolia." This makes me think of a Honey Bee, and we are like the flower garden.

There are so many small things and most of them are miracles.

The Book of Mormon is an example of how the Lord is mindful of us no matter where we go and his timing is different than ours, but unlike us, he never forgets.


I remember that article about  how if the government or businesses were organized like the church they would be more successful. The main idea was that if nothing else was "perfect" The order and organization of the church is and has stood the most ruthless tests of time.

Dad spoke about the differences between being a branch president and a bishop. He could feel the difference of holding keys.

remember the story about the Christus with 12 Apostles in Denmark, Peter was holding something "keys".

relief society -------------------------------------------------

A cute story was told about how the Elder's quorum is taught. To fill the time a controversial point found in the lesson is found and put out there and then just allow a discussion to ensue and the time will just melt away...

Do not reinvent the wheel in your choices but, like marriage make up your mind and then stick with it!

Hyrum knew the actual truth not speculation, and then stuck to it.

"our choice is to be bitter or better."

There was a talk mentioned that would behoove us all to look up regarding a dust cloud. Look for the biggest dust cloud and then see what caused it to find what matters most.
I thought that was brilliant, but the idea was that the biggest life-changing truths cause the biggest skirmishes. So, do not be alarmed if a thing you believe causes a lot of contention, likely it is part of the evidence that it is true. Our lesson settled on the single most important thing about Hyrum Smith was that he build his faith on a solid foundation (Jesus Christ and that his brother was but an extension) and regardless what happened then he was able to stay focused on what mattered.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Holy Smokes!

I only just now became mature enough to understand things that I was glad I did not pick up on before. I guess there is a time for everything. I wonder if I would have considered that thought worthy of even noting if someone had not already.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I have so many things that ought to be said, but I am undergoing a deep, spring cleaning, and it has come again to my attention that while I was being so worried about my flaws that I failed to see a deeper one that time away will only mend, I did want to say this blaring thing, it is like a child screaming in an inappropriate time that must not be ignored. I realized finally that I am extremely beautiful. Only because I was able to stop comparing myself to an unrealistic standard of acceptability. It is like being different, but not a "sweet spirit" thing where I realize that I am beautiful inside, but really, I am so gorgeous and nothing could change that. While I was passing that thought another one formed an quietly raised it's hand. So, I politely acknowledged it. Everyone is honestly beautiful, the only thing sets them apart is self-worth or self-actualization. What makes you beautiful, beyond any meager description is knowing it. Once you figure it out, you will be beautiful, too. I suppose that is why it is so significant to me. I know what beauty is. And it was financially cost free. I am glad that I did not pay a lot of time/money to look like someone else in hopes of replicating or achieving beauty.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

After math

I just realized that I actually got what I wished for and I never took the time to explain how improved my life is because of it. What was the miraculous (precisely the right word) thing? I got relief from my terrible mouth pain and the emotional pain of disgusting teeth. My life has been so much better because of it.

I have not thanked any one person, but everyone, sort of, but I have no doubt that the one responsible is the only one with the power to do such a thing and I am indebted. Often it comes to my mind the excruciating pain that I endured, and how I involuntarily prayed for help somehow. I wanted to say how it is weird that we have to be in such need to realize it. I was rescued, and now I am able to focus on other things.

Life is probably the worst it has ever been, but I am able to take it simply by remembering how much pain I was in and it is gone.

I want to remind anyone who is feeling terrible for any reason that you do not need to suffer, even a little bit. if there is a creator of the universe, and there is, he told us that he is mindful of the sparrows and really what sort of trouble could they even have? I mean compared to yours. Really, sincerely.I know that your remedy is out there. And it doesn't need to be as big of a life changer as mine was, but if you ask (pray) trust me, there is nothing too complex or too menial for him to help. And I dare you to try to stump him, you can't.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


It has been on my mind, eh, see? MY mind. I cannot even think without myself. The pinnacle realization came through watching "The Tao of Rodney" on Stargate Atlantis. I always get something profound from watching this episode but this time I noticed how significant humility is for progression. It is only possible to "ascend" by shedding our burdens, which is a great metaphor for repentance. We come closer to "Perfection" or completion of our journey when we get rid of the faults that bother us and have been performed by ourselves. Once clean, the next step would be to rid yourself of well, self.

Rodney finds it impossible to cease being himself. A line I love is when he says, "I am me. I don't know how to not be." Well, that is not what I originally thought, but I loved it so much I could not remember it... I do think of my dad telling me that I would cease if the word "I" was removed from my vocabulary. ha ha ha, ironic huh? He often challenged me to not used it so much, or at all.

Lately, I experienced a thing that helped me see how much better life could be without "Me". Ok, I better hop to telling this before you jump to morbid conclusions. I had sung a song and was mostly just relieved that it was over, but while in a class I started having such terrible thoughts, crippling ones that if not checked would entirely immobilize me. I thought that I was such a joke, and secretly, everyone laughed when they saw me and remembered. I wanted to crawl under a rock and cease to be. Until I realized that it was not "Me" that was doing much anyway, it was my duty to "get out of the way" so, like Emmit from the Lego Movie I wanted to blend in and not stick out in anyway, or cause a hinderance from the things that I wanted to sing. But, while I was thinking it was all about me and my talent I was ashamed and was missing out on all that was most important.

That brings me to my next thought. I really did used to be "all that". One day I was at a wellness center in Ripley, MS with my mother and I would run when no one could see me. but walk on the track while anyone could see. My mom said the most important thing, "Why don't you just run in front of others? No one will laugh, infact they will respect you for trying." It is true that we must start somewhere and it is hard for me to start over so late in life when I ought to be much better, and actually, I was. I was almost too good at things.

One more story I love to tell. I was in a wheelchair visiting a doctor at Vanderbilt and the nurse who was pushing me stopped and told me something profound. She was serving me and by all accounts appeared fine and all I could think was that she was so much better off. she said,"This is just a snapshot. You are going to get constantly better, you know. I have MS and seem fine now, but will degenerate and if we ever met again in the future our places would be switched." Do you see where this is going? Comparing to determine our worth is foolish.

I do not know how it is done, but I think it is part of becoming Christlike. Often I hear it said, "Let go and let God." That is a big part of it (shedding the ego). I heard one woman say that was what she loved so much about her religion. It (the organized religion) told her what to do. And, that really confused me. I thought we valued our will. We do. we have to willingly give it up. It is harder to be ego-centric because then we have to take responsibility for all of the things that happen, which the world is beginning to realize. If I were humble enough, I would not take any credit for the good or blame for the bad, so I must work so had at my craft so that I do not cause any notice.

Lastly, a choir director said something that stuck with me. He said, "If someone tells you that they can hear you that is probably the worst thing they could say." It bothered me because I wanted to be heard, I was good! I had skills, it was difficult to be able to read all of those notes. We need to blend our voices in a choir, and become unified. In my case, that requires a lot of "improvement" to reach the level of others around me.