Sunday, September 4, 2016

Brain dump

Testimony meetingl

We are on a sort of rollercoaster ride, sometimes we are on spiritual lull, but those highs are just as sure to come!

Small things or large things happen that require that we thank God because we know that it is because of him that we succeed.

Immediately turning to the Lord brings miracles that turning to mankind doesn't although thanking others is important.

"Unexamined life is not worth living."
And as we examine our lives the hand of God becomes obvious.

We will experience bumps in the road, but they ought to make us stronger.

In a terrible situations the primary things have been done like saying prayers and reading scriptures, and it has been obvious how the Lord is there and hears and answers us. Things have been easy to deal with.

Prayer is undoubtedly true, be careful what you pray for, he always hears, sometimes his answer is just plainly no.

Undoubtedly,  many testify that this is the true church of Jesus Christ.

1 nephi 6 as it was reread verse 4 which is usually ignored hit him in a manner that made him stop to ponder:

4 For the fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved.

Ponder this:What is the pupose of your intent?

Law of tithing was given to the saints when they had very little. It would be easy to want to become a pack rat.

Not giving ten oercent of everything you get, but only 10 percent of money. And although it is given to the Bishop it is actually given to the Lord.

It was commented once how it was like a love letter to God and an opportunity to pay tithing.

Unusual power is given to the prophet when he speaks in place of the Lord.

Paying tothing is not an option.

2 Corinthians 9:7 -
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."

What if the Lord was standing right in front of you and asks you to pay tithing.

Testimony that if you pay tithing,  the Electricity bill will be paid.

We are urged to donate to humanitarian aid because you can help others who actually have less than us.

At judgement bar we will be asked if we helped our fellow man.

Had to decide that tithing will Need to be done, an example of being obedience.

If you pay for tothing you will be blessed. 

Group name:LaytonFairfield2


None can flourish in isolation. Gen 2:18

Lonliness is such a disabling situation to be in.

Go visit a care center even if you do not know anyone yet.

Quality of our relationships with others is significant in that it will be have in the next life (What was that scripture?)

Social order that will exist in heaven.

The Lord has a plan for everything! From the gardens at temple square to how we gain the social abilities that we will need in the Celestial Kingdom.

Reminds me of my wish for the kids in going to school. My concern isn't as much for the intelligence but that they learn social skills.

"You have never talked to a mere mortal." -C. S. Lewis

Take joy in the success of others! Maybe look around for things to be excited about, since we mourn for them, but empathetically we can be happy for those we learn of that get good things! It is like others who want to call others to share things with them - this was exactly what I was thinking about my mother never seems to even have the need to tell anyone about things that she needs.

You have to be able to trust others, to be a friend, interesting this is more like Faith, which dispells fear.

People that you start talking to people they will almost transform them into a person you love.

We all need to work very hard on our relationship with our God. This is a perfect use of the Sabbath.

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