Sunday, February 22, 2015

Brain dump

Son, you are forever with me... That is reward more than any party.

When the choir stood up, Mary Anne said, "look! My teacher is up there!" And she started waving.

"I turned my prodigal self to the Lord."

Bum lambs, every had one in Wyoming. They would just die because they could not find their mother.

What is home?
Various places, like our parents home, mission, college, etc.

We have al had prodigal son moment, but we most importantly need to come home.

When any child comes to himself in that he needs to come home, any parent would gladly welcome and forgive their child.

I just had an incredible moment with Mary. She was mad and wanted to hit a child who she decided was bad. Quickly, I told her to quickly say a prayer with me, and so we prayed and when it was over she said, "Mom,  he is gone. Our prayers always work, don't they." Such simple faith, but I really did not want her to have such a wrong idea, although it is true our prayers are always heard, and answered."

God is surprisingly aware of us and answers in a way that is best, but he does answer. The talks today were witness to that end.

The answers come when we have real intent , like I had when I fasted.

Liver called a liver cause you cannot "live" without it.

The Holy Ghost

"The internal character is invisible to the physical senses and yet it is responsible for the behavior of the external reality that is observed, directly or indirectly, by humans."
             -Thomas Chromwell from Physical World vs. Spiritual World.

Holy Ghost can touch you and keep you from doing things, because we feel a thing, but do not understand it in any other way.

The holy ghost is like a lady warning her neighbors of an approaching Tsunami.

A woman was busy and was told, "go ask heavenly father. " and that is what the child did.

Holy Ghost cannot bear a false witness. Moroni 10:5 you may know the truth of all things, we can KNOW things when our intent is real.

David Van Koevering is a writer, minister, motivational speaker, quantum physicist and inventor who shares a wealth of knowledge about quantum physics. God is speaking through Quantum Physics more than ever these days!

It is interesting how I sort of am given a different lesson than the one given. I must remain silent because it is not for so many to know, this time, I am getting another witness of how much truth can be comprehended and grasped and truly understand how the kingdom and God himself abides, there are laws, but these,laws are not clearly transferred to our observation.

Just as there is a spirit inside of us all, we are all made up of the same quantum particles.

I did not understand the use of decorations and so I secretly hoped that I never had to teach, but then, I realized that it is like the scriptures with pictures, or the images in the temple, the display teaches and solidifies.

Social Mormon Mormon cause they  are Mormon, but do not go.

She is a Typical Carhloic Mormon who only attends on Christmas and Easter.

Church is a home for all, it does not have an age or testimony requirement.

Why did a miracle happen? Testimonies grow almost unnoticably like a planted seed.
The teacher said that she preferred a plastic plant in a pot. Funny? Yes, but it seems Satanic to me.

Mom's in the mall are busy sharing photos of their kids playing, but the kids are screaming, "look at me, mom!" That was likened to how we are when God screams to us to start our day with him.

The answer we get is not what we were asking, and it seems entirely irrelevant, our answers come in dreams visions or through others.

It was mentioned the testimony that so many others have that those on the otherside of the veil, or ancestors are dead, but not unable to help.

Even apostles feel humbled by their call or feeling of inadequacy.

We are all pilgrims on various stages on the path towards a home.

Even if we are feeling weak, our parents strength helps us.

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