In class we briefly mentioned the story in the book of Mormon about a brother of Jared. It is a story where a man prayed to know how God would do a thing that seemed impossible. After much thought and delberation, it is decided that Jesus will touch stones to make them glow, thereby lighting the vessels as the travel to the new world. The thing that is still on my mind anew, and often I consider in many situations is the need for secrecy.
People in my class discussed why if he was obviously such a righteous,man why he is only referred to as the brother of so and so. The funny thing, to me, is how my daughter explains this story from the picture (cause she cannot read yet) as he had so much faith that he saw the finger of God and instantly knew that Jesus had "flashing bones".
But, what I mark the story down as is another example of things that for some reason are not told although they are not hidden, persee. Like the notion that we surely have an eternal mother, or that in order to be an example of a Heavenly family and to be literal children of God, etc. The things which are commonly taught and believed suggest things that are not commonly spoke of. I think there is a whole lesson here to be understood. It is why things like temple doings are not spoken of openly, but are not secret necessarily.
The biggest example for me was a famous rock star who though clearly he was so in love seemed to avoid mentioning his wife in public. I did not understand this, so I prayed about it, and understood it as humility on her part, first of all, and a great deal of true love. Meaning that it was not a thing that he with held from public knowledge, but out of a deeper respect and reverance he did not speak of commonly to have this relationship be turned into fodder for any redicule or made light of... In Mormonism, we have been given a easy way to describe the sort of privacy as "sacred, not secret."