Austin Hatch served in Jackson, Mississippi.
An excommunicated member still read scriptures and listened to general conference, because Good things happened when built on the solid foundation.
Last house the door opened and a pitbull charged. The woman was crying because she did not even know Christ, but later joined the church after praying about the truth of things, of which she had no knowledge of...or foundation.
All are encouraged to read "Preach My Gospel" again.
Not any doctrine taught was able to convert him, but the spirit did, he came from a diverse background.
A man was communicating with his mind instead of his heart.
To establish a strong foundation like the wiseman we need to follow the primary answers like pray always and study our scriptures and make note of how we feel doing such.
Sometimes bad things happen to good people. And it is difficult to imagine that we voted for all of this sometimes.
Pres. McKay was asked and said that he had not ever seen the Savior, but had heard his voice, there is a scripture about how it is more blessed to believe without seeing...
Alot of us feel like we do not have a testimony because we never had a burning in our bossom, but often the spirit speaks through a feeling of peace.
Science only proves things we already knew.
Scriptures are not like a novel that we read from front to back.
Reading our scriptures requires a whole lot of faith and I read because promise that we will be blessed.
Story about a man who put his faith in money and when something changed, his plans were destroyed and he comCTImitted suicide.
Studying scriptures without prayer is like eating or tasting a sucker without taking the wrapper off. The Holy Ghost is likened to unwrapping.
There has to be works that accompanly faith to communicate sincereity.
There are 5 negative stories to 1 good story.
People get addicted to adrenalin you get when get scared.
We all tend to use fear to motivate. But fear does not have power to truly transform only causes immediate action, but it doesn't last.
Fearful people might say the right thing, but heart is not changed.
If you feel alone, it means you were trusted enough. Best example is how Heavenly Father left Jesus by himself to suffer it is not so much th
Envy is synonymous with generosity in the trying to understand perfect love.
Be humble...say sorry.
Lastly sincereity.
Lord will fight for you and you can hold your peace.
Love enough that you do not have room or time to fear.
Group of people who are loving and want to help one another it is tangible.
We need to comit to doing it.