Joseph said, "I wish there was enough bread for everyone to have two."
Miracles happen when they are needed to accomplish what is the Lord's will because The Lord's word WILL be fufilled.
Regardless of the outcome, we must keep our faith in Christ, and believe accordingly that the outcome serves his purpose.
Read our sctiptures daily, make it an unchanging habit.
Everytime you read the sctiptures you are a different person and it willeffect you differently.
Josephus told how Hebrews took washed up weapons of the Romans to fight a battle. This historian also saw the actual pillar of salt that was once Lot's wife.
What happened to the Book of Mormon people that they fell? Well, you know what they say about hindsight.
Reading scriptures every day opens up a portal to heaven so we can commune with God and recieve his instruction for the day and make our thoughts more congruent.
Seek revelation when setting goals. Conference talks can hold a mirror up so we can see more what we want to become.
God still loves you and he can help you see how you have improved even if the goal has not been met.
When asked what tool is helpful to study the scriptures. A response: a Hammer