Families are the reason for the creation.
Story about Hugh B Brown about believing in Joseph Smith.
In 1939, before the outbreak of World War II, Brother Brown was invited by a member of England’s House of Commons to present a legal argument for Brother Brown’s claim that Joseph Smith was a prophet. In an address given at Brigham Young University on October 4, 1955, titled “The Profile of a Prophet,” President Brown described their conversation (see speeches.byu.edu).
God gives us a prophet because he loves us all so much, and has always desired to communicate with men.
Even when I did not want to go to church I would learn and hear exactly what I needed at that time.
It is important to listen to others ideas and be willing to consider them entirely.
When something good is about to happen, trials become more numerous and strong, as is an example with Joseph Smith.
The adversary will always ALWAYS try to discourage us from a good thing.
What difference does it makes to believe in your religion opposed to other Christian religions?
A soccerteam is much like a family. Fun comes when we follow rules and we score goals it makes us happy.
Joseph Smith knew about the plates but he was not able to actually get them yet.
(Great teaching, has the full attention of all of the children. Some techniques: soft voice, dressed up, used props that interested them and asked many questions. It probably helped alot that the children do not know him and are trying to figure out what to think about him. Also, stayed on subject by asking questions, but not actually allowing everyone to answer.)