as I was preparing myself, through study for the next week of "Come follow Me" I was listening to someone expand on the notion that the same war that was being waged in heaven continues on earth. This was used to explain and understand the dwelling on Wars and stratagem in the book of Mormon. Now, when I was a teen, I used to hate those parts so much. In fact, I used to think that so much of the book was about wars and killing, and thought, well, so is the bible, I guess that is human nature for ya. But, this guy was explaining various similarities or "types" used through the author's explanation and results or those wars, and it makes them not only less disgusting, but necessary. I will steal a phrase used that I loved. He claimed that the Book becomes a lens through which we can [comprehend] the war we are in.
ok, the next part was big for me. He was describing the types of the devil and Christ found in the leaders of the fighting armies and one armed his people with protection, while the other was completely naked. Hmmm, is this actually an advantage? I recall stories of the Gaul's preference for fighting naked because of the supposed advantage. I am typing in metaphor, because I already saw a unique type in how much more numerous the hosts of the devil are at any given point vs. how many people are alive, but we have a major advantage in that we have been protected or given bodies, whereas the devil's army is naked or bodiless.
Another protection we have been given is the knowledge of such, which can be turned to wisdom if understood.
This morning, my son and I discussed knowledge vs. wisdom. I felt a break through in self-understanding. I am told that I be careful what I wish for cause I can get it. additionally, I have been promised that my prayers would be head and answered. Well, we thought,"isn't every prayer?" but, I got a valuable warning (again, not uncommon, but a reminder!). Although we are always answered, often we are given what we need not what we are probably wanting at the time. My immediate example is from the movie "Moana" Where she prays and asks for help, and ends up shipwrecked, and she gets mad cause she was asking for help! She was helped, just not how she expected it.
So, my son and I were discussing knowledge vs. wisdom, right? It dawned on me that was the key! The way to unite need and want is wisdom. If I ask for wisdom, I can be sure to get it, and god, himself said that if any man lacks wisdom to ask for it. Then with wisdom I would be able to distinguish what is a need so that I may have every single thing I need. Tah Dah! though, it feels as childish as wishing for unlimited wishes! Still, that was w hat my son and I discussed this morning, Plus, I was his teacher the year we learned about Solomon, and then, I had him role play and think of what he would ask for if he could have ANYTHING, so he appreciated the gravity of being wise.