I was listening to music from "Game of Thrones" realizing that I have not even seen a snipet of the show. I do not know what it is about or any of the characters, but I am obsessed with everything Icelandic. .so, naturally people assume that I am just a big GoT fan or something. But, when you say Game of Thrones, I think it must be a reference to The Wheel of Time, it seems like the queens and diplomats across-the-board of almost every nation play something like that, and so it has to do with popularity, like being on student council or something, so I do not "like" the music cause I don't want to be one of the minions that love the music, but I do like the music, so I ask myself what is the reason you like it, weighing it against why I do not like it, and it boils down to the thing Duncan Idaho said regarding mood to Paul when he didn't feel like fighting.and my thought ended up on the Stargate Atlantis episode where it is discovered that a suicide pact was serving a purpose, just not the purpose the youth in the episode believed.... sometimes thongs look like a cause and an effect when really they just happened at the same time or looked like one was the result of the other.