This has been on my mind alot. Ever since I was an early teen I was disturbed greatly by the nymber of others who were giving all of the right answers but failed to apply them.
I also was most upset by this practice that is readily used by college students. I lost most respect I had for lawyers and doctors and I wondered if anyone else was really learning what we were being taught or if they were all just "Playing School". No one daed skip classes, but though they were there, they didn't let the words of the teacher effect them or cause them to learn.
I have always been so much in love with Isaiah who said "blah, blah, blah" lol. just seeing if you were paying attention. "With their lips they do honor me, but their hearts are far from me..." now filling my mind causing my current thought process to escape before I could pin it down in text. I have been reasearching this idea alot: "My ways are not your ways" The Lord's ways are so much higfher than ours that we often cannot even undersatand them, and we toos out what we don't understand because there are plenty of things we do understand that we don't live yet. Now, I'm thinking about the warning to first seek to know then to share, I learned in a book I read about being a teacher that said that to be a good teacher, master your subject. It makes sense.
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