Sat night conference.
Opening hymn Turn your Hearts
Prayer- rededicate ourselves, like the temple.
Family history is like fishing, on a good day we caught something, which the greatest catch is likened to uniting families. Best opportunity or fishing place is at the family history center.
Former stake president has not been taking it easy, he has been working harder than ever now. Hastening the work.
Family history center we can find things even if our ancestors have all had their work done.
"You hit the jackpot! When they found "green" names or opportunities.
When a challange is issued by leader and followed producing necessary miracles, that is amazing!
A lot like Nephi saying "Go and do..."
Just came from a car crash and thought, well, I hope that is not indicative of how tonight will go.
As we serve spiritual attributes increase and sort of crowd out temporal attributes and attitudes.
Growth of chuch is evidence of hastening of the work.
Why is it happening? Not just beauty of the buildings and technology, but we are born at this time to help the work along. His work is eternal and not just earthly.
We all need to DO our part. It is no longer even possible to say "we can't it is too hard."
No one can become an expert without being a novice for a while.
With about a .million coming in each day, so now there are more people that you may never have known of. Each week, more new people.
Shared a personal story of one who is dear. We will be able to find those who we know well.
Find a few green people and, print list and take to temple and print out cards.
Just went to a neighbor and asked to help them and in a few key strokes they found 4 families to do (over 20 ordinances).
Enter on the west. Easy to find down Gentile, but road forks a red church (Past Smith's).
Looking to build a Family history center on Gordon. We'll see.
We are running out of time.
The Lord actually ok'ed killing a man just so that they might have their genealogy to take with them. It was that important. It is important to know who you are.
Your family will appreciate it. "Raise your hand in committment", while standing.
Seen miracles working for 14 years in family history center. Initially, it was nearly impossible to take a name to the temple, now almost anyone can do it. Part of hastening of the work, this is a sign of the second coming.
We have a responsibility to go and do.
The signal has,never changed.
So, we need a clear picture and sound from the Lord. We have the Holy Ghost, and scriptures. We need to be in the right place.
Son's comment about two eyes to have depth perspective...
***talked about getting a sure signal and what we do about it.***
Story of Jonah who was given a difficult assignment. Jonah faced not the Lord. Flee has footnote of procrastination.
How did Jonah know that is where God told him to go?
"Are you sleeping through conference." "What thinkest thou, sleeper?" Johnah (likewise tried to sleep through significant event) does not jump but asks to be thrown. Cause he knew what was going on with that storm.
People listened and repented, this was what the Lord knew and so he had sent Jonah. So God was so much wiser than man. "They turned away from their ways..." Chapter 4.
We must be strong enough to do what asked because he has a reason. Like Nephi building a boat when he knew nothing according to the things man knows regarding building a boat.
Make work that you do personal. It is not some corporate strategy where it is often flaunted " It is nothing personal, it is business". Line from movie "You've Got Mail."
We need to be like temple workers, willing to help others, and always have a smile on face.
God's way looks small to the world.
Lord can help when we need it.
Expect blessings when you do the will of the Lord.
There are no coincidences.
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