It is plain with a tinsy bit of speculation, but for the most part, it is just obvious that the world was entirely being set up, alley oop style, for the restoration of the gospel.
It is probably not true, but I still firmly believe in a sort of delusion that everything was set up perfectly for me. Like those windows 7 commercials, where people say it was designed for them, well it sort of was. Especially if you have alot in common with others you might fit the target group. I almost neber fit the target group especially since almost every tv show I like gets canceled and then my one popular hero is a one hot wonder. Ueah, I do not believe that either. Can you believe that I knew nothing about New Kids on the Block? Seriously, I wouldn't recognize them if they told me their name, etc. One time I met a guy in cognito on a walking trail south of Seattle, and he said hello, and was stunned that I didn't even know who he was. I still don't. Oh well.
I was thinking about how we all fit ideally in a moment, but moments are not easy to define in a length of time. Two examples are there was this girl who was drop dead gorgeous, but she had terrible acne, not many guy saw past that. I thoughy what a waste. She likely peaked after high school was over and all the other girls got married and fat, and she became a super model or something. Then I was often warned that all my obsessive running was doing me alot of harm in some long run. But, it made me far slimmer and fitter than the other girls, but that was then, but now I cannot run at all and wish I was a runner now, while other women my age say all the exercise and stress on my body makes me unhealthier, so perhaps I missed a peak now because I peaked unaware in high school.
I think about so many inventions and equalities and I feel so honored and lucky to be able to send txt messages, vacuum my floor, take a hot bath when I get cold, etc. It is perfect for me. I could not have planned my environment any better if I tried.
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