Cycles of nations recorded in the scriptures. You can see so much of what is happening today through reading them.
Life is perfect for none of us, so charity is important.
"We wanted for everyone to have the same" this reminds me of the temple where we appear as equals.
It is important to be willing to do things although we do not even know the why. There was a story about being ill and not wanting to listen to a prompt which seemed meaningless, but she got to ease a woman's sorrow and worry, which thing she would have done if asked, but instead she was just asked to empty the trash outside which actually she was not inclined to do.
When moving a piano, merely needed to lift where they stood, and it was easy to do the grear feat, because each did their part, which individually seemed small, but collectively was great!
When home from mission NJ MBA in Africa he said that he was blinded by our white shining faces.
Told story of how we should stay where we are and build up the kingdom there.
We are missionaries to help others do what they could not do for themselves.
"What you make for dinner is a reservation" Jay Pratt
Going to the sun high way.
Hotel that you must hike 11 miles to.
Being honest is more than telling what is true it is what you portray.
It is important to be true to God, cause it hurts us and others.
Do not need to remember well, to be honest.
Being honest might cause problems, but the problems are less than what problems might happen if we were dishonest.
How much would things cost if everyone was honest.
We always make excuses for things to cover up our dishonesty.
If you cannot afford to give a big tip, you cannot afford to eat out.
It is easier to choose less choices for doing what is right.
Telling a lie to cover a lie is never going to lead to a good end. Story about a boy caught cheating, given an F then lied to mom and said that he was wrongfully accused.
Being honorable brings peace of mind.
Call sisters on wednesday for Visiting teaching.
When we heal the outward the reward turns inward. But when we are concerning ourselves with spiritual healing. We must turn outward, and think more of others.
Easier to find ourselves because there is so much more of us to find.
When a woman was diagnosed she said, "did you hear that? (Pause) He just said I am one in a million." The duagnosis was not positive at all.
When we serve it is directly related to love.
When we serve, it is the holy ghost that gets us there. D&C 11:12 do not delay when prompted. It will never be convenient if it is service.
When we seeve ithers we draw cliser to the Lord, you do not go alone.
If you serve even the least ye are serving God.
If kids must work, as leaders must do it, too.
When we get to go serve others in a mission, you get to meet with and serve the Lord, himself.
As a mother it makes God so happy to see that soneone is doing that he is not able to help the asker. She shared the story of her child paying alone and when someone plays with him, she is so happy.