Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I need to record my thoughts because they are important, but later. It was spurned by contemplation of what we studied on Sunday morning about being open to possibilities, and my conclusion as to how things are.

I hadn't read any of the previous paragraph which was written in haste to remind me of a thought I wanted to record. Instead, I want to unbiasedly, record my evolved sentiment.

In Sunday School we were being instructed by a recent convert on the word of wisdom, which was amazing, but he asked a very important question about a thing he had not considered previously about the Holy Ghost or Spirit of God. There it was clearly delineated by scripture and other such quotes that our bodies were vehicles or temples for the spirit to dwell INSIDE us. Literally.

To this point he ofcourse had not been oblivious to the existance of a noncorporeal personage of the Godhead. But, he supposed it sort of hovered and occasionally "touched" people.

Another member of this class commented about how it has been said the spitit will not be able to tarry with us at all times, yet when unable to abide in us he is always looking for a crack and wants to be with us at all times, hence  the scripture about knocking or seeking.

The lesson was about how important it is to care properly for our bodies, this was just a tangent about how sognificant keeping our vessels pure wnough for God to visit, as it were, as the song, "God is in his Holy temples" which temples were literally are.

I was thinking back on my life and how "out of it" I was. Good friends and family have both mentioned how I am not actually accountable or responsible for the choices I made then. Bad ones are easy to forgive and get over, but what about the good ones? It reminds me of my son who fears being baptized because he does not want to give up and forget things he has done, and is not able to discern which are good or bad yet. Likewise, I wonder if I am not able to tell which choices are good or bad really.

It has been put out there that you can judge, or determine the nature of a thing as good or bad by what it produces. The
example, often given is a seed. It is hard to judge much about a seed without planting it.

And I have seen a number of good things result from choices I have made, and accordingly, they were good choices, no?

But, today, as I was watching a tv show, a vilian was commented as "always making good choices." and it reminded me of "The Quest for Camelot" where Rubert sings " no, no, no. That's no good". It upset me cause I thought that was the point, so he really means that is not right in that it is not bad enough.

Um, but to make a point, We do not need to understand all things, just that if we believe and trust in God then, it us our duty not to judge things right or wrong, but to always be worthy to house the spirit of God.

Unrelated, when I was sick, doctors always asked if I was religous or something. I assumed it was from all of the people saying they prayed for me or getting blessings. I did overhear student doctors looking over my "chart". Asking if this was even really possible, it claimed I had never smoked or drank alcohol. They decided the body must,be able to do incredible things if not polutted.

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