In a country visited it was dictated how to dress, it is a sign of their patriotism, which is showing devotion to our country.
We need to follow and honor the rules of the nation which we are.
Joseph Smith taught how each government, though they may be a bit odd, are set up to punish the wicked and enable the good to do as is seen good.
A soft knock is likely a child, but if it is a loud knock then you do not want to answer because it might be the bishopric asking you to speak in church.
What is achieved too lightly, is revered too lightly.
Talked about how revently people take their chapel, thus sacrament.
I think telling children to be reverent during sacrament is a good reminder of what we should be doing during sacrament meeting.
If a man actually takes the sacrament properly, he will not do other things that matter like paying tithing, attending all of our meetings, etc.
No treats before sacrament.
Another church she was left to wonder what they go to church for. Because they do not have a sacrament meeting.
Savior took the sacrament and showed them how to do it.
Story about a boy giving the prayer who messed up or maybe there might be a morality problem, but the covenant is still valid. The Lord understands, but he wants us to remain stalwart and true to the exactness...
Around 1904 word wine was changed to water
Sound of airplanes is the found of freedom.
Sacrament is in the Book of Mormon.
Not both prayers have taking Christ's name.
When we remember always, we keep in mind that we can be forgiven, but most importantly that we will remember the opportunity and sacrifice made so that we do not want to cause additional suffering so we adjust our behavior, that is rememberung, and then to answer when it should be done, ALWAYS!
Great idea to recite the prayer and say a prayer before sacrament. Arrive early.
Take children to church regardless of how they act. They will not remember how they acted but what they do.
How to thrive despite causal effect. Obstacles can do good for us. Marcus Arealius first taught us this. Turn obstacles upside down, basically this is self reliance, not reacting but choosing how to act regardless.
If you do not help yourself you willnot be able to help others.
Out of balance, when one tire is damaged. If mind is messed up it effects your mental ability.
So being able to meet all of our own needs helps us be balanced, the key is being balance regardless of what happens.
Your identity is attached to what you "do" occupation.
1) Be active in the things you love.
I think again, I ought to get a recumbant bike figure a way and do the work required to make that happen.
We need to be spiritual self reliant, and know and do things without others.
Read "The Secret" by Les Brown
Pray for spiritual experiences.
******"Pain is a teacher." Ben Franklin
Maybe go to Fairfield Vilages, and offer to do a talent for them.
Social self reliance This is like an "inner sanctum". Our relief scoiety is a real blessing for us, and a caring social group.
Do you give help easily? Well, do you?
Offer to help someone who might have a need, and allieviate it.
Work on helping yourself so that you will be able to help others.
You can find a way if you look.
Intellectual self reliance.
Chess is show to counter the effects of alzheimers and dimentia.
Learn to do something you do not know how to do. To increase your intellectual self reliance.
Emotional self reliance is most important,
*******"The Obstacle is the Way." Ryan Holliday
*******"Gavin Becker "The Gift of Fear"
Get enough sleep, and ask for help.
Do not be afraid to ask when you need help.
How successful you are as a person is how you deal with the trial.
Stop seeing a problem as a problem, but see them as opportunities.
*****"5 second Rule" change within 5 seconds.
Thing just is if it is Good or bad it is because of you, otherwise it is just an event. So learn to decide!