Sunday, September 10, 2017


Our Savior did not experience what we did, but he has empathy to feel what others frel. A thing close to that is sympathy where one tries to eliviate pain or suffering as they see them... although, most suffer silently.

Not all angels are from the other side of the veil.

There are angels in our neighborhood. The example was given of A sister who mostly kept to herself, but now cannot bear to see another alone. Many examples in our ward were given as examples to follow in the way the Savior lived.

We sang "Because I have been given much" and it was all the sweeter because or the immediate reminder that invited the Holy Ghost's most favorite power of testifying of the Savior's mission and divinity.

The Lord wants to give to others and bless them. Our job is to find this out.

Ways to act:
2)come  follow me.
3)Serve with a smile (it feels good to spend money on someone else.

The only really happy people are those who serve others.

4)Commit to do something
5)Do it in secret

I used to be afraid to praise or thank too profusely out of a fear or giving a reward when I know that I could never reward as well as God,  and he rewards privately.

"The best way to find yourself (if lost) is to loose yourself in service."

Tithing -  a way to help build his kingdom, and that is pretty much the only purpose we have.

Story of the widow's mite, is a neat story to imagine how they came to be watching it.

Celestial kingdom will be for the obedient.

"You were forgiven of your sins pretty quickly when you want to get married in the temple."

Because of it being rebellious to have a religious meeting he regaularly did it, and it ended up making all of the difference... maybe this is an example of how we make a child do a thing if even not for the best reasons at first, we will end up in the right. Which I had wondered about.

Your children learn from what you do.

Tithing is a principle of obedience, not financial.

Brigham Young asked a man for 10,000.00 and he went to the Lord and the Lord said to give 20,000.00. So, the lesson that was joked about was just give money he asks for first off next time...

Tithing was used at temple dedications for all of those cookies and water bottles.

You can donate to specific missionaries in our ward (**maybe pray to know who to assist and then use any funding gained can be used towards that end).

Serve others!!! Tithing can be paid in  more than money.

The Lord gives us a way home... tithing could be a means to learn to serve and love.

October 21 new date alert for fall ward festival

Why was virtue added to YWTheme?

Because it encompasses so many important things (from talk by Elaine Dalton).

Implosion is so much faster than explosion and a bit of dust is all that is left. After lives implode due to loss of virtue.

Never was there a time when virtue was more needed.

When we choose to be virtuous is gives us an added strength. A strong self governing trait.

conformity of one's life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; uprightness.

Stay away from etertainment that will cause unclean thoughts,  keep yourself clean.

Reminds me of my mother refusing to watch a movie that was called something regarding christ, it was good, So one would think, and it interested me, but because of it's rating she would not deviate. I would always think well, the Bible has lots of R rated stories,  or the out cry about the scenes from movies that helped so much to improve and become "good". But, they had scenes that were rated in a way that will not ever be seen by me. Mom taught me that those same things can be taught in a way that does not need to compromise.

The spirit of the home cannot be there if there is a lack of virtue.

Virtue is not just avoiding bad things, like health is not just avoiding bad foods, it encompasses so much more.

I do not want to have that image in my mind for the rest of my life.

Discussions about pornography needs to be

Fight the new drug on

Most importantly we need to remember the power of repentance, and that we can be forgiven and starg over, all is not lost.

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