Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Moses knows

to give a reference, my mind was busy trying to solve the issue of "I knowwhat must happen" and I am willing to do it, but I do not know how. Well, I realized, before that it is all a matter of timing...

Ok, I woke up and instantly saw the books on my night stand and thought, "I need to read and return those, it has been a year, so neglecting them has become habitual, but remember how excited I was to get them?" Instantly, my heart was filling up with blood, ha ha ha, no, gratitude, I am referring to my feelings, which I call my heart. Ok, so I just gave a lesson on choosing appropriate media, or rather my daughter did and I was her back up support, so I decided to turn to some appropriate influence cause if I filled my thoughts with something, then I could stop fretting about my condition.

The movie that I turned on was called something like A warning To America. It is a documentary series called Nephite Explorer. This particular episode was starting with the premise that the United States is a promised land, and it cited that even Abraham Lincoln prayed when amidst the civil war and had checked out the Book of Mormon from library of Congress. He fully believed that this war torn land was a land of promise...which ironically was the exact thing the book I intended to read today was about called The Lincoln Hypothesis.

But, wait, the blog title was "Moses knows" was that misrepresentation? Goodness, no. The documentary began it's investigation in the well-documented "Promised Land" of Israel, also started by a man named Abraham... Yep, Israel.

So, I instantly clung to the part where the narrator explained that the promised land became a real nation at the time of Moses, who knew that his people would go to a land, but he did not know when, ooops, yes he did, but it was not to happen in his lifetime and he prepared Joshua accordingly cause he still knew it would happen., likecrossing the red sea, it might seem extremely hard to impossible to man, and understandable that it would not be accomplished, but Moses knew that it would, and it did. I needed to hear that this morning! How did Moses know? He was a prophet and spoke face to face with God, so, if God told him that it would happen, it would!

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