Story of nebal David and Abigail. Mercy interceeded cause David was coming for Nebal. Abigail made a sacrifice in place for what was owed. When David accepted it no longer did anyone ever even have to think of Nebal's due consequence coming.
Good Samaritan represents Christ and though he could have healed the man entirely he took the man to the inn which is a metaphor for the church. And after seeing to his care while he is there and leaving instructions for continued care till he returned later.
There must be time (formula proves it) in order for there to be power. Hope is the blueprint.
I am thinking now about how I might be correct then that time does not exist but the given formula where force equals power. We need time. Man to be atoned we needed time. Joseph had asked me this morning if God could break the laws of Physics. I said no, but thought there could be laws that he sort of created to assist in our realm, but otherwise laws simply are and are used to create the world we enjoy.
"This was our grandchild whom we loved and wanted to be near. We could only pray, and we did so fervently!"
Judge in English has different meaning that in that scripture to not judge. Obviously, we must judge things, but it was meant to to assign significance or eternal net worth. So, it was translated to be called judged.
"It came to pass, not came to stay." Keep that in mind.
Think more deeply on the hymn "I heard the bells" to consider how hopeful it was to hear those chiming bells when upset of the state of things at Christmastime. ". God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!" A silver lining, perhaps? Or maybe it was just
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