Sunday, November 24, 2019

my Dune colored glasses

Well, this morning, I was lamenting for the multitude of people that fade out of awareness. They are like a toy tossed by a baby in a high schair, never thought of again, like the minions in a battle scene who scatter the path to a goal who knows what their story was or how they got there. But, as I listened to another talk in preparation for a lesson at church today I noticed a talk within a talk which madee pause and as I was going to write it down as significant if a prophet is heeded and quoted by another. And it is copied to be pasted any moment, but as I was about to paste it I thought, "We see plans within plans. We see you behind it." And I giggled a bit to see how often I think of the movie Dune.

Oh, before I tangent again, here is the significant, important thing that brought me here:

“When we choose to repent, we choose to change!"

I mean, surely, there is a lot of sorrow involved, but in all changing is not clinging to what could be good, it is recognizing there was bad and it needs to change. It is a happy thing, really. But, that makes me recall my son's baptism. He was worried that if his sins were washed away that would change him because he wasn't even sure what sins were and if he wouldn't ever even remember them he was worried about who he would be. I assured him that he would still be himself.

Last thing, I was watching an anointing of a queen (not really) and thought so much about worthiness and bloodlines and prophets, which also is very Dunish to the Benejeserets manipulating bloodlines. But, I noticed how the actress tried to portray an actual change as the Divine settled on her, it was significant. I was glad to see it.

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