Tuesday, December 27, 2022

nothing to do with me, but...

I keep returning to the Icelandic and Greenlandic genetic matches, and I cannot solve this new riddle. In the haplogroup information, dna can be traced through migratory patterns, and if done, the "Viking" remains found in Greenland would follow the stories and I would see a migratory path from Norway, but I do not. Ok, so this morning I decided to instead look to see at that time which other remains are similar in genetic distance. I fully expected it to list Norway, unless the particular specimen was actually a skrawling, well, I was suprised to find it was listed as viking, ok, but what does it even mean? Scandinavian, or Norwegian or something? Oh well. The number 1 similar match was Gael. Strange, me too, but I am not classified as Gael on any website. And as far as I know, the Irish are not well known for their sea explorations (meaning I have to known history to explain this and it befuddles me).

So, is there a story unraveling in DNA (no pun) that history has forgotten?

Monday, December 19, 2022


I learned an important lesson about Christmas this morning. Gifts seem more valuable when we need them. Diane Pratt had offered to take Mary to school in the morning and it seemed like an awesome gift, but Mary was not impressed, she likes to wade in the snow, but this morning was bitterly cold and I told her it was a shame we had not taken Diane's offer and just then, she sent a text message and offered again!. Mary seemed so much more appreciative and took her offer instantly. It reminded me of a lyric I liked that said, "you don't need Jesus till you're here." That is sort of how Christmas and gift giving is, we do not truly appreciate it all of the time, but, Christ is the ultimate gift it is because of him and his life that our whole existence on earth makes sense. And although the ability to repent and be resurrected will be the most important we tend to take it for granted because people too frequently proclaim how Jesus died for you and he loves you, etc. It is no surprise. But, imagine wanting a thing, but not being able to gain it without help. Then, the help becomes the most important thong at that moment, but I sadly just know that it will be given and have known e er single second of my life, and because of that I do not appreciate it as much.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


As we need windows to let in the light. Things look different when the windows are open... likewise, yesterday, I was cold and went to sit and enjoy the light and heat that entered through the windows. I cannot even explain how it felt just to bask in that light, it made an impression and that us how we can feel about the windows of heaven.

Regarding tithing, Davis Cropper ought to be credited education for the insight. His mother was shoveling snow and he asked how the show gets so Deep when snowflakes are so small.

Friday, December 16, 2022

some truths...

Some truths are better told and remembered through story. 

So be mindful of what HIStory tells you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

I already forgot

But, I will not let myself give up simply because my memory is crappy. I intend to write until I do, hoping it will jog my memory, or maybe something else will. It seemed important to me, and maybe I am not remembering because my tenacity is in question, sorta like the Job thing,".. if she momentarily forget she will abandon that notion." I will not.

I am not having any success in remembering what was such a streak of brilliance, but that has taught me such an undeniable truth. I am nothing. Yeah, not in a belittling myself sense or anything like depression. I simply cannot think brilliant thoughts at will. And one would think with the sheer number of brilliant thoughts I would recall ideas or truths from time to time thus making myself not merely a duct or vessel but a source of it's own, but nope. I got nothing without inspiration. It is so sad to admit, but often I have to review what I just typed to inspire myself.

There is this one thought, that I heard and instantly recognized as brilliant, but I have not yet thought about it or figured out why it is brilliant. The thought was heard like this, "If anyone tries to have an original thought, they won't."

Ans that is all I ought to say about that right now.

Crud, I left cookies in the oven, while I am taking a bath! Bad idea, should I end the bath or turn off the oven? I am cold, and the bath will fortify me for accomplishing cold things today, so I must go down and turn the oven off.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

new mantra

"I'm not dead. I need to find a new way forward."

"What good are we when we loose the ability to do the one thing we were put on this earth for?"
"We find a new purpose."

Sunday, October 30, 2022


The gospel seems simple when I am at church...but, it is a bit like I heard a guy say how he was gullible, and I think that I might be like that because I am hearing opinions that I agree with.

And when I read ans hear very intelligent things is other places that are very easy to believe, I do believe them, until I get back to church.

I loved what the Bishop said about discerning the truth when contrary opinions both seem great. If looking to know if Joseph Smith is a prophet we would not look for the best and most intelligent article, we would look at the results or as Latter-day Saints say, the fruits, so if The things taught at church is true, and it happens weekly, the way God has church every week is a fruit of his idea of wisdom.

If a thing is Good, then it comes from God. If it just makes sense to me today, it might not make sense in a bit, like my psychology teacher in college said about if a thing changes.

How do you feel about that? (When making a chpice)

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Wanda Vision and Dr. Strange

OK, although I intended to never watch Wanda Vision, mostly because if something becomes wildly popular I sort of avoid it. The feeling is like wearing a mask to prevent the spread of COVID. I feel like popularity is some sickening disease that I do not want to rewrite my belief system. Though both popularity and Covid pose no real threat, the perceived possibility of damage terrorizes me.....ok, too much? Perhaps, but anyway, I watched WandaVision because for some stupid reason I wanted to love Doctor Strange, even after I had been warned about the extreme political views expressed in the recent Avengers movies...isn't it the norm for Disney in trying to appeal to the masses?

It felt like a "megaphone to rouse a deaf world". Though highly veiled in metaphor it felt like all the hypocrisy of a modern idea of happiness was on display for all to grab their popcorn and twiddle their thumbs away watching lives sacrificed and rescued for the sake of one individual desire to have RIGHT NOW the same thing that would naturally become if let unfold naturally.

When is a thing so far gone it becomes unreachable by hope? Cathartically, I could see most of our limits are self-imposed lines drawn in the sand...waiting for the next big wave to wash away. This reminds me of an observation my daughter made in Tennessee regarding state and city lines. She said, " It is good we actually have maps, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell when one state ends and the other one begins." Likewise, it is good that we have ceremony to clarify our desires.

Back to Dr. Strange. I keep trying to remove all of the politically correct/popularly appealing agendas and just see the movie and what it was supposed to be saying. I wasn't going to let all those stupid trappings become a stumbling block. But, maybe that's the whole point, I need to recognize that I have already fallen. As I age, I accept more and more garbage ever so gradually.  It is like a foot got in the door somehow. I must mention my favorite line when America is Dueling with Wanda or the Scarlett Witch she realizes (I want to point out that the good guys and bad guys are extremely fluid. Wanda was the hero and is now the villain, though her intent is the same)...America realizes that she cannot fight Wanda the aggressive, combatant, usual way, so instead she grants her desire and figures Wanda can only defeat herself, so she opens a portal granting the thing she was fighting to keep from happening. It works! That is my favorite part. It teaches me that being patient and letting things work themselves out is extremely hard to endure, and might require a super hero, but ultimately it is the strongest defense and offense. If Evil is Evil then it alone will be able to defeat itself...eventually when it becomes self-aware.

My own kids were trying to define art and stumbled when it came to stories. Drawing was mathematical, music was scientific, and stories can be written down and thus mathematical or orally/aurally passed down, thus they are scientific. This went on circularly for a long time. Stories are kinda like light traveling as particles in a wave until they can be defined. So, I guess that makes stories like truth. And the closer they are to what truly is, the better.

There, It is hard to unjumble my thoughts and explain them using words, but I shared a little bit of what watching that movie gave me.

Don't you have it when humpty dumpy falls and cannot be put back together again? Perhaps, if they are so easily destroyed it is for the best. I sort of think the center will hold and things will last that ought to be, though it is hard knowing where the lines are without a map.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

sunday school

Oil is symbolic that God is with you, pretty important for a king. Even queen Elizabeth was anointed.

When we get a new leader, chosen by God, we still must sustain the leader publicly.

The battle is the Lord's. 

All have weaknesses, but the Lord delivered...in pride cycle the Lord is forgotten.

What sticks out to me is how the Lord says that David was a man of his own heart.

Consider it is better to obey than to sacrifice... one can do the right thing, but it can still be incorrect.

Reminds me of how the Savior said, "don't you understand what was written?" The Savior did not want to be slain  or suffer, but he did it.

Maybe things are simple when you understand, and if they are of the Lord's heart.

First thing I think of regarding David and Goliath story is that Saul let him go, when all the Israelite were at stake.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

brain dump

Scriptures are like Chainmaile and as we go to war we have the whole armor of God, the armor breaks off and repairs are needed, much like repentance is needed, and so to repair our chinks, etc. We need scripture study.


Story of mountain biking and she needed to walk because the place was too difficult. Then as she told her husband to go ahead. He said, "Everyone walks at that spot," especially the first time.. ...there is no shame in this. She listens to her husband who has more experience, her husband also walked with her...we all need to keep trying it will get better and easier.

Maybe if we give a talk tell a story so that we have a framework for all lessons. Like I learned in megamind lessons in Georgia in 10th grade (Ms. TATUMS CLASS)

The second miracle of the ark crossing the Jordan River.

Extreme faith does not come naturally, story from Nephi how he needed to understand better and it takes that amount of faith to pray and expect a response.

A boy decided not to go on his mission immediately, but as he got his Pat. Blessing he was counseled to go immediately, additionally, the prophet asked all young men to prepare to serve a mission. College would go after.

Pray for others by name, it is important.

There are two kinds of people. The ones we love, and the ones we do not know.

Try to imagine the person in the arms of the Savior.

Story of person who was prompted to ask someone for help, and the helper was the one who really felt so blessed because they needed to help.

We offer our whole souls by and through helping others.

We WILL have opportunities to feed sheep, that was the way that the Savior asked of Peter to show/demonstrate his love.


John 15 study a message from the Savior through our stake president.

Pay attention to word "Know"

Gospel is home-centeted.

Primary, and youth are the rising generation, this is duty of the youth.

Parenting in unprecedented time.

Why didn't the next generation believe th things the stripling wariors..

Intentional parenting is necessary. What is it? Think about it.

(Found on Google)
Intentional parenting is an approach where you use strategies to build a healthy parent-child relationship. It is an approach to developing safe, stable, and nurturing parent-child relationships. The intentional parenting approach relies on brain science to provide you ways to stay present and involved with your child

Footnote to thing that Savior said on the word a. It leads to a Joseph Smith Translation of that passage.

We ought to not rely on what others say, instead of praying to "Know" a thing is true or not.

We are often much closer to what we aimed for than what we think we are.

We aim for Celestial life.

Saturday night stake conference session

laman and lemmuel were expert murmurers.

group had visited the temple had a deep understanding of their purpose and there was excitement to hear from th and what they had experienced

Babies never make it in their first step...we encourage because we know what is possible, all of our temple covenants are very much like those encouragements because he understands what we may become.

an increased gift (endowment) in the temple for those to be strengthened as the world strengthened in wickedness.


When speaking with others with the spirit we can have the same power we feel in the temple.

Elders exercise the power to have the countable of Jesus Christ and it will be recognized.

Power of Love and Goodness, perhaps others would recognize such a spirit in me, if I strive to achieve such! We can gain that power from doing ordinances in the temple.


We ALL need help.
Help others.

It becomes natural to care fir others as we try to draw closer to our savior.by: 1)magnifying our callings. When we are kind and loving we will be remnered - story of the greeter Brother Orten.

If we give the Lord our time the Lord will multiply it, promised by the prophet.

2)pray for others. Pray vocally for our children. It is important. Pray instantly for someone if they come into our mind, the very moment.

3)recognize the help (contributions)of others.

4) listening and being sincere.


Sometimes it will seem too difficult. But, we can get power and assistance from God (BD Grace)

One person cannot gather Israel alone, so we need eachother.

Sweet hour of prayer 142

Anciently, only high priest could enter, and only 1 time per year in the Holy of Holies.

Please, take your Children to the Tabernacle it will impact them when getting own initiators.

2 units of Marshall Island missionaries which includes new language.

Story about a young guy who does not understand our habits, we look very different but will still need to be loved and gathered. 

Have you experienced a miracle lately? Without hesitation they have stories to share.

He is emotional about the kindness members share with others.

The people in Utah read the Book of Mormon. 

If the Lord was aware of Madison and what she needs, then he knows my needs and he can help me through others...

Possibly one of the fruits of the spirit for this guy is being emotional. Not at all this way usually.

Four appointed duties:
2)Care for those in need.
4)Uniting families for eternity

"Unity doesn't naturally happen, contention does."

Story of guy who loves to help the neighborhood and how the neighborhood is united in helping others. And secretly prays for another disaster

Home becomes one of those Holy places we need to stay in and not be moved.

Need to be sealed, others love you and will desire to help you.

Story of little alignment needed for tires. 

Unity doesn't happen from a txt., but by noticing and embracing others.


You can feel the love of your ancestors in the temple.


Laman and Lemuel didn't know things, because they didn't ask.

God's  purpose: Moses 1:39 -to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of mankind.
Our purpose: D&C 11:20 to exactly obey all of the commandments of God.

Christ's light can radiate from our eyes.

Sealings are favorite calling/duty of his father.


As I consider things here, I wonder if that "point in our heart" is not only a godliness, but what shines in our countenance. Another thought was that we are constantly trying to be like Jesus, but Jesus said that he was his father and they were one.

Monday, May 23, 2022

my Galadriel moment

It occurred to me as I was reviewing all of the things that I didn't get done yet (that happens practically daily just cause all things cannot be counted on to happen as we intend) I realized that I had not yet recorded what was probably the most significant moment in my lifetime so far. It was a time when I thought of the scene when a thing Galariel, the Elven Queen had long wanted was In her grasp and all she needed to do was take it, but she didn't. Unless she said so no one would have been aware of anything that had happened, but she gives a little soliloquy saying, rather rejoicing, "I passed." Through out that inspirational tale (LOTR) people realize life' purpose and find a sense of fulfillment in things.

Galadriel explains that now that she passed the test of resisting the power of the ring she could retire feeling accomplished.

All weekend I heard things I thought that I would have like to have heard, and was given several opportunities to become, when I realized that was the wrong sort of success. It was all good things many of them things I ought to be entitled to. And I could even superstitiously believe everything was orchestrated to fit what I always felt I was lacking, but I realized quite quickly that actually the things I  wanted were all vain ambitions, it is like realizing family is more important than any amount of money. Sure, I could have ANYTHING I decided, but that only makes deciding what was right even more important. I read a comment on Facebook about how each of us has an unlimited power in our hand, but we restrain ourselves because of the boundaries set by mortality. But. Honestly, if anyone believed in Jesus Christ, that He literally was a son of God, it is not a difficult thing to accept that we each are children of God and must have the same DNA and ability to perform miracles in his name. So, why don't we?

In recent events, I further realized that I was actually quite cared for. Infact, it becomes even more apparent during times I need the most and feel unable to accomplish a thing, sorta like that phrase, "Whenever a door closes a window somewhere else opens." So it has been countless times for me. This very time was only different in its magnitude. Frivolous struggles are just that. This was a very big one and as a door closed I realized a window that has ALWAYS been there, I just was not to the point where I had even considered windows as a viable means to liberation, thinking each door was my only option. One door that I had always hoped for, swung open wide, but I think of another scene from "Tess" where she escapes a fight by being rescued by her knight in shining armor. Like what are the odds? And how fortunate for her. Then, as she gallops off those who were going to deck her shrug it of by jokingly saying, "Out of the frying pan and into the fryer." What seemed a fortuitous rescue or opportunity ends up ruining her life, though she is unaware. That relates a bit to my situation, only through it, I was able to recognize that my hope solution was not actually the best solution and my choices were between good and better, so I chose better and instantly after choosing I said in my mind, "I passed". I knew that I had made the better choice and could at last feel good about my life, though that meant changing how I perceived things not necessarily how things were.

Lastly, I want to touch on what I found to be the most valuable lesson. It deals with having enough faith to move mountains which ought to be easy enough, the only reason it isn't is because we do not believe we can. I think of Joshua, and David, oh the list goes on and on. Mostly Joshua because that is who we are studying this week. He had to honestly believe that God would fight his battles, no one ever has doubted that God is able to bring the walls of Jericho down (as easily one could have said Goliath), but even the other spies that reported it was a terrifyingly impossible thing to conquer or subdue this people, Joshua had faith and saw things differently. Likewise, I often am reminded that I will have the things I need. But, believing that requires seeing things differently because the prevailing thoughts are that you only have the power to do things (be free) with money and a job. That is not a bad thought, sorry, Another OT idea, well we all can see what Sarah did when she doubted God could actually accomplish all he promised without her help. She believed his plan, but just had been conditioned to believe certain laws had to be adhered to. She was bare and so the only door she saw was opened the possibility of accomplishing that desirable end of having many children, through her hand maiden. That seems the only plausible thing to do, until we change our perspective to see other options like believing God could and would keep his own promises. I have to exercise similar faith in a blessing that I was given that pronounced my ability to accomplish ANYTHING I decide to accomplish. Only, it is important that I keep a broader perspective and do not get fooled into a short-term mindset. It is hard to believe, but this is true for any and all of us. We each have unlimited power and only need decide that we can and will accomplish a thing and it will be accomplished.
My oldest son said that to me, once I was thing him that I saw a castle in Ireland that I wanted, but would never have and he flatly told me that it could easily be mine if I decided that I wanted it, and that the only things that we do not achieve are the things we do not believe we could. I have one more such tale, though, I do not remover who told it. It was someone in Washington state, though. They were talking about the mailman delivering a letter. Like Schrodinger's cat, the letter was in the box, though no one could know that. He knew the letter was in his mailbox. I loved that story.... the way it ends is that the mail is received and handed out and he was given the letter.
But, um, yeah, Galadriel. She wanted that ring so badly, but she did not take it and it might not ever be known why she didn't. Like her, I didn't choose to do a thing that was totally a viable option that would lead to and end that I totally wanted. But, I chose correctly and the world may never understand how or why it was correct and I am ok with that.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

this is almost too deep to think in words

What caused "my mind.. in motion" (Dune the old movie, when the mentat drinks his juice of Safu) was thinking about a video regarding the universality of myth.
I have always loved folk lore and cultural stories, and I had never actually taken the time to catalogue the archetypes for truth or common origin. But, others have and sort of decided for the rest of the world, so they would not need the actual sources, that they were all the same. I watched a particular video where the person reasoned out how utterly unlikely such common tropes denoted a common source, but rather a common humanity.

OK, that is where I started, but as I thought to myself, EXACTLY, it is that humanity that we share and it's origin must naturally be common, so whatever you call your diety, we are all alike because we share an ancestry. I have always wondered why the name of Father was chosen, and it makes alot of sense the way we think of relationships. A father creates children who are all his family, then it is his focus to create a home for them... but, this is just skimming the surface, dare I try to dive deeper verbally? I'll try...
It starts with black holes. Do they even exist? What are they? In Philosophy 101 at Ole Miss I decided that any thing was defined by it's purpose. My main example was a butter knife, could also be a screw driver, uh what is a screw driver? It is not defined as a butter knife, but as a tool to accomplish something. So, we know about black holes by noting what they accomplish. We notice the effects of something, a variable defined as a black hole... jumping back... I suspect that in their own ways each culture defined an unknown through stories. And that individually, we can know things, and then algebraically splice them together to understand what is...eh, that's my best attempt. I don't  know how to use words that will yet, sorry.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

time changed nothing

Last night, I realized  something that surprised me. Time had matured my body, but I was still a giddy schoolgirl at heart.

The difference came not in how I felt, but how I reacted. Every part of my frame wanted to say or do something, but instead I maintained my smooth exterior and did not even mention a thing that, to this point, still is monumental to me. I could have expressed how much my life had been improved at least, but I did nothing. What happened? Glad you asked, so I can unload it here at least.
I was in the food court at BYU just casually ordering my food when I saw a hero and his son. I could have at least mentioned that I recognized him, to let him know about the good effect he has on the world, but instead I just marveled how in person I was actually taller than this spiritual giant. Then, I saw him again, and each time I had plenty of time to atleast make a comment. It might benefit his son to recall the effect for good that his father had that even some strange lady approached him when least expected. But. It reminded me of the same reaction I had to seeing Tal Bachman in person as a young adult. Inside I was screaming 😱 but, because it felt inappropriate, I gave no external indication that I was in awe. But, obviously, I was effected, and practically need to express such here, time has not dulled my inner fan girl one tiny bit. Hence, I am here writing about my encounter though I made it seem insignificant. 

Why is seeing someone any notable thing anyway? It is because I cannot say that I said nothing, but am writing about it to let it out somehow. A person is a person. Maybe not though...a lyric I wrote in college come to mind "... in the spotlight. Will he speak my language, know what I'm saying." I ronically, the next part is an allusion to Jacob, it goes, "It seven years since yesterday, but just a moment until to tomorrow..." I have a theory blossoming, but humility forces me, even here/now to keep it to myself. I had read about a similar Swedish phenomenon where one literally in unable to acknowledge greatness. It is attributed to nurture or culture, it has a name, though I cannot think of it. Maybe it is not as much cultural as it is the suppression of an attribute (think epigenetics). Here is a videoclip explaining, maybe, why I do not behave or do things that I feel to say or do: