Sunday, July 7, 2013

Brain Dump

We are loved more than we,know. Example is that we think no one will notice if we die, but it is amazing how much we are missed.

A boy that told a story about how differently a leader noticed he was and asked if he was Mormon because he had a certain thing about him. Recognized by others that he had read his scriptures.

Brad in Seattle lost his wallet.

Liberty in law is more than a in-law joke. True freedom is only found through obedience to the law. This brings peace of mind.

Sacrifice -story about guy who was,investigated the church, he would not listen at all to hear about tithing, but he eventually

Any church who would not require sacrifice does not have the authority

Peace offering - to recognize a higher law
Burnt offering - this had a lot to do with smoke.
Sin offering - to trade for repentance.

The animal was blessed and became symbolic of them.

We need to inquire of the Jews if they understand what the sacrifices for.

Sacrament requires a broken heart and contrite spirit.

Your sin causes problems for others, you feel more remorse. It can cause more broken heartedness.

We actually, recognize those that are also harmed by our sins.

Isaac - how old was he? Well, we know that he wasn't a teenager, cause  they will not do anything.

We sacrifice our children by letting them go out the front door, but we pray they won't die.

Why do we have alters in the temple, specifically, why do we have alters when we are married over the alter.

Story about a man who left his family for church wrote a letter to his father the dat he was baptised and his dad still had that letter in his belongings when he died.

Unless we sacrifice we will not feel comfortable.

Give up something we like for.something better.

Relief Society

18th solar ovens

Elder Porter's talk

Optimistic roomate. Someone was singing "Oh what a Beautiful Morning".

Two ways to greet the morning "Elder Pitts" in England said, "You can say ThNk you Lord it is morning, or say oh Lord, it's morning."

Asked others what they thought of when the word  morning is used.

Light was mentioned. The Lord is a likeness or Metaphor  for light.

Things that make a beautiful morning include prayer, scripture, music.

Things never seem as terrible in the morning as they did at night.

I needed to bear my testimony about a thing if I do not get a chance to say it. **I did. It was how when we were being judged to determine which kingdom to go to at a youth conference the only thing we were asked was if we believed in pur Savior. Which I did and marveled at how simple that was. It is because I believe .

Scriptures. Lord speaks to us through the scriptures. We speak to him in prayer. Scriptures are the same thing as having the words of a living prophet.

Elder Faust talked about priesthood blessings, and how you can become who you should and the blessings give you a small peek, if we could see the person we were we would easily obey anything quickly.

Makes me think of the film Validation.

Story about a bishop who called everyone on their birthday.

Obituary that said, "I love life and life loves me."

Turn pessimism to optimism.

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