My husband forbade me from attending church today, to heal, it makes sense, but as the saying goes, "you can take the girl out of the Honky Tonk, but you can't take the Honky Tonk out of the girl." That's the way it is with me and the Sabbath. Sure, I might not be in a church Building, but I am still prayerful and worshipful, and God is everywhere. In the Book of Mormon there is a group of people who built a grand synagog and then denied the poor from worshiping there. They followed a man named Zoram and so were called Zoramites. Through many situations and lessons we learn that it really does not matter how fine your place of worship is or isn't (reminds,me of all of those mighty cathedrals in Europe) God hears our prayers regardless of the origin. He also knows the intent of our hearts.
Really quick, I was blabbering to someone about how I think it a blessing to not be adequately forewarned about public speaking because 1) less time to worry 2) the extra time would not be spent studying and writing anyway. And a comment was brilliantly added that when someone apologizes for not being sufficiently prepared, the audience thinks, then I can tune out if you didn't take your job seriously, to study then, likewise I will not take,my job of listening seriously.
Ok, so I realized that I will miss the sacrament, that's sad, but I am learning truths intended to be learned through whatever means I search for them.
For example, I miss the talks and lessons, but I just got a cool lesson I always missed before while watching the movie "17 Miracles". When asked to begin burning the remains Levi Savage says nothing. This is the same reaction I give to a lot of things. Now, I do not know if it was actin, writing, or directing insight but clearly he has a lot on his mind an out of fear or reacting incorrectly he does not react. Now, that there is a wrong way to react there is,a right way. A nearby soldier speaks up and says that the solution is prayer. I was taught that this is similarly my solution, he he, to have a free-speaking soldier present at all times.
Ok, that was a joke, but it did explain another reason why it is not good to be alone. Clearly, some action was required, but too often I am unable to make one instantly, sort of like not going to church. I would have, but my husband saw that it would not be wise, because he does not think I am recovered yet, and too much exertion would do harm. So we need the need for counselors and for missionaries, companions, and for doctors we have second opinions.
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