Monday, January 13, 2014

Fell asleep studying

I fell asleep studying again, but it did not produce thoughts in my sleep along such lines. I was studying  the obvious Biblical doctrine of a prexistence wondering why it is a foreign concept to most, and instead I woke with a solution to understanding (knowing and living) the ten commandments.

Back story time. As a teen, I read the ten commandments and thought about how they were given directly to all men, and I should think they would be used to judge my faithfulness. If I believed in a Heavenly Father then I ought to know what,he said and do it. But, beyond not killing and stealing, I really didn't know much and the more I evaluated myself honestly, the more I came up short.

So, I decided that if my father in Heaven had thought those commandments were important then such thing ought to be important to teach his children who were given to me to raise. I thought maybe I will post on the refrigerator each month a commandment, and focus on keeping it. Often large things seem too daunting, so working on each bit at a time will change it into a surmountable task.

Maybe this along with my other thought does Infact answer my questioning as I fell asleep. The importance of keeping and teaching the commandments is based on a belief in my own preexistance, and that I believe that I am a child of God, and a sibling of Christ. Maybe that is why Joseph Smith felt inclined to say that admitting who he really was would earn him death for heresy.

My second thought, worked out in my sleep, obviously is that no one said that Sabbath day observance was a measure of a person's convictions. When God clearly uses it to measure where our hearts lie, and he wants us to know that.

My answer is that even though things are right before us, only those who have eyes to see will do so. We had an entire class, the same class that later asked "how do you tell a person's convictions?", on how the Sabbath day is most important in determining a person's level of commitment. That is like how the world has revelations that seem obvious about their own preexistence and yet they do not see it.

Yesterday, we were reminded, too that at times the Holy Ghost brings things UNTO our mind but it is still up to us to bring it INTO our minds.

So, maybe that is why I wake up instantly aware of things, but unsure why. It is up to me to figure out how my thought solves my trouble. This is exactly how our blessings work. They will be given, but sometimes go unnoticed, as they are not expected in that way. But God's ways are definately not our ways, as  our children's ways are not usually our way.

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