Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sat afternoon session

Dieter F. Uchtdorf sustaining.

15 million members.

Donald Rasband

We just got to sustain prophets alive today.

He shared  his story about recently being sustained "....we sustained you and love you."

Questions are evidence of a desire to knuw, just as our church was founded by a questiom. Christ was answered important questions.

Do we really listen to a prophets voice?

"I, the Lord am with you and will stand by you."

We are supposed to reach out and help one another! This has always been the case.

When we follow our leaders we are following the Lord. So, who do you follow? The answer is always the same we follow the Lord who leads this church

" it is I, be not afraid.... Come." Though reasonable it was not. Would the world advise you not to go try to walk on the water? But, he rescued peter if he ever needed help.

Lord often reaches out to us by our family.

We are frequently called out to, like peter who jumped out and tried to walk but needed to reach out and grab the Savior's hand.

Niel L Andersen

The Gospel pattern is constant., it has and never will change.

Huge support offered to those who come to christ without a mother or father to be with them.

Story of boy who didn't have a parent to stand with him so he just stayed away.

Although our earthly family may not be picture perfect. They still have perfect DNA, and desire righteous things.

Story about "Max" and how he knew he was in the right place, and knew his name.

Boys who could not do baptisms in the temple, could still find mames in the family history center. What can my kids do while I go to the temple?

God loves his children.

Mervyn Arnold

When asked to save the Children of Israel Moses was afraid and doubted his ability to save anyone, but the Lord said do it anyway. and a way was provided a way  that it could be done.

Story of the boat that was pleading for rescue, then when rescue came they delayed and both were lost. Do not pause to consider how it is not reasonable. Never give up.

Take he who needs help.

The worth of ONE soul is worth it.

It is never too late to help the savior. No matter how old or pointless it may seem.

The tools are present if we go to the rescue.

Jaino mazgardi

All religions were acceptable to God.

Classes were so good that they made us hope that the week would go by quickly.

wondered Why there? About restoration of the gospel.

David A. Bednar

Always retain a remission of sins.

The Holy Ghost has a often not mentioned ability to putify and burn out the unholy parts of our person. Without the Holy Ghost ordinances could not be performed by us as unworthy people, but we need to be fit for the preisthood power.

Cleansing starts with baptism, if we do what we promise we can recoeve the Holy Ghost which can help us retain that purity needed to enter Heaven.

Sacrament as an act does not remit sins, but if we do so worthily it can allow us to re evaluate our lives and renew our previous covenants.

We ought to get to feel a clean constantly as we take the sacrament.

We can become unspotted, cause we have help to become increasing spiritual strength and knowledge.

Russel M Ballard.

Ironic that we do not recognize mych of parentimg until we do not have littke children.

Family counsel is not FHE where we learn.

1)general- all. Need compassionate consideration. Family can become much like a ward to all involved come part of helping. Maybe on Sundays to plan for the week.

How to do if single?
2)executive - good to deal with. Issues that need to be discussed.
3) limited - maybe informal making choices, maybe recording is important for accountability.
4) 1 on 1 - provides a special time for bonding. Good idea to plan this ahead.

Electronic media can attack from within even though we think we are locking all harm out, maybe not.

As we need prayer to counsel with our father, likewise we need counsels to make home a Heaven on Earth.

It is promised that the Lord will be there, he will come if invited.

FAMILY COUNSEL is utmost important to identifying and addressing troubles

Always turn off devices

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