Sunday, April 30, 2017

Brain dump

Staying focused on yourself is not healthy.

When people hear the gospel, they will recognize it.

Put aside your doubts and fears and find someone to love more than you did yesterday.

We naturally want good things for our own families, do we think of every person alive as part of our family? If so, we naturally would want them to recieve all necessary ordinances to be together forever with our father in heaven.

Make a plan and execute it.

[and remember that] We are the only ones who can do what we feel needs to be done.

Missionaries are 1rst called and then assigned.

The priesthood is not just here and now, but is a conduit for God to act in our lives.

We cannot comprehend the way that the adversary attacks prophets, or any revelator.

Outward ordinances are those done for others, as a service, whereas inward ones are those which we perform for ourselves.

Understand the difference between offices and keys of the preisthood.

It was speculated that the Aaronic priesthood is actuallt different and greater than the Levitical priesthood when asked why the name was changed in name. Further it was noted that although administration or name can be changed, doctrine cannot be.

1st presidency is it's own quorum.

Special witness was addressed what it is exactly, the best definition was that it is whatever you choose to believe, and is not purposely defined more because of it's sacredness, like "pearls" tossed before swine, not intended to be told because witness comes after trial of faith, not simply told and then know. It actually reminds me of how the Savior spoke in parables so only those with ears may hear. It was pointed out how many things are spoke of as things too prevcious to be written.

If you know a thing is true the spirit will be there so you do not need to know everything and definately not a whole lot else.

Because, my children and I can be sealed as a result, in the temple, then all struggle to that point was worth it.

"When you work over 70 hours per week with people then you want to be with other people."

A man searched for a church to attend and after several failed attempts to find a right fit he prayed sort of a give up prayer of this order, " Lord, I tried. It looks like you are going to send a church to my door." Missionaries ended up at his door.

Asked to go to church with them the following days was baptized 2 weeks later then said a tiny prayer in first time to the temple that he was through goving hos number to girls, and thought/said if God wanted him married then he needed to have a girl give him her number. His to be wife gave him her number  and asked him to call. The protocal was to wait three days, but he did not wait. It was in June, they were married in February. (Detroit temple probably ).

Broken, looking to be pit back together.

Repeatedly excuses the apparent swiftness of such consequential choices, and explained that it was actually a very long process of becoming the person who he needed to be to become the person he should be.

He knew what he believed, and needed to find a religon/social group that believed the same.

After he read and prayed about the book of Mormon he felt strongly a thing he had always been taught, "Don't just believe what you are told but, ask for yourself.".

Have hope! If you mess up, which you sutely will, it can be forgiven.

Please, speak with your bishop/Heavenly father, and put things right!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Brain dump

Starts every talk with humor.

Most important tool is testimony and most powerful thing even for ourselves is to bear our testimony.

Everyone needs to hear the gospel, some only reason they do not live the gospel is because they have not heard it.

Joseph Smith said the most important thing to do is share the gospel.

We ought to want to share the peace we .

Someone did not know beforehand they would speak so they thanked the bishop for not throwing him under the bus. He threw him in front of it.

Missionary work is a perfect example of service. You sacrifice much for the benefit of others

The armor from God comes to us in various strengths and sizes according to our faith.

God qualifies those who he calls.

God loves those he can rely on.

He causes Heaven to shake blessings like a salt shaker.

Preisthood is a conduit for God to work in our lives.

Priesthood is for orginization.

And gives us something to strive for.

Through our worthiness blessings come. So we need to be able to recieve them.

Revelation to representation.

Age requirements, through authorithy (someone there to be sure proper authority) they must desire it, thereby understand it.

Witness versus presiding. Witness is done to verify a thing. Presiding is the one making sure things are run, makes sense with organization.

When you give a blessing or use the power it is the power of God so it make very little difference who gives the blessing.

The Lord needs us to be strong because of the terrible ways the adversary attacks them so much.

Humble and reverent.

And that is how we show our worthiness. Reminds me of the story of my husband who was told that he could not enter the temple as dirty, he used to go after work and shower there.

Power of The Book of Mormon is from a story of a guy who could not read, but felt the power just having it made him feel good.

Life is not a result of the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.

Scriptures are the best way to learn to recognize the Lord.

The scriptures give you out what you put in, like an electric assisted bike.

Wow! What did I have for dinner last night? When I got the impression that I was going to be a YW president, was,a definate "ah hah!" Moment.

Power is real you can feel it.

Pres. Monson only had 3 minutes and it could have even been a last thing he said and so what did he choose to say? He spoke on the power of the Book of Mormon.

I have noticed that there was a power, and challenged my young women but I never understood  byt figured that it was worth it if it was true. Opposed to not bothering, because I know that I do love my family.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Brain dump

Thursday April 13, easter program 6:30 7:30

Thankful for his wife and the great person he is.

Book of Mormon is the word of God.

The percentage of people who are Christian is decreasing but, I know that Jesus Christ lived and lives and is our Savior.

Story about getting a prompting to slow down which allowed him to stop exactly in the right time to save a life. The laws were exactly followed so he would have broken no laws, but he would have been disregarding the spirt and would have taken a life.

Legacy of service...that is what I have seen around here.

Please know that what you feel is love.

Always begin prayers thanking God for the knowledge  that we know of God and his purposes.

"I brought a picture so I will look prepared, it is what the Ladies always do."

Even if they do not go to church, they believe in Christ.

He is begotten and so he has power to lay down his life and rake it up again,like Hercules.

(See Luke 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.)

What we take in become ourselves, so as we study Christ and try to emulate him be actually become a bit more spiritually like him.

When the Lord suffered our sons he did so literally, he sort of took us in and "Metabolized" us so we could live again.

Jesus needed to learn line upon line and grow he was not just instantly perfect.

If we recognized who we are we would be much more spiritually minded as that part of things that we recognized and grabbed onto, and assumed as us.

Story of a guy who would not unroll his sleeping bag so he would not have to roll it back up, but he froze to death in his sleep.

Examples of how we need to love and serve one another.

Being kind as an example teaches to notice other and be kind and loving.

Look at others for who they could be.

Story of an interview where a child misbehaved but authority just instantly over looked and commented about how hard/frustrating life can be.

If you can love people first. Know one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

Week after this service weekend, more info next week.

Will only do ok if you have a testimony.

If we believe in Christ we will be ok.

Watched video of Christ in prep for Easter. "To this end was I born".

How similar it is striking, I ought to be noticing all of the talk of how much the reliefsociety is made mention of as having helped in a funeral, and how the women were the first to administer to Jesus' body and reported it gone and yet they were not believed? This is a type for a thing. Only what I do not know.

"Shall I crucify YOUR KING" it is odd that one to rule over another king so that he may be able to put him to death...

Where is your symbol/crucifix?

The cross symbolizes the dead Christ we choose instead to remember the living Christ, our symbol is our members.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Conference notes

Faith in Jesus Christ motivates us to do things we otherwise would not do.

Sunday morning

The prophet speaks for God and he emphasized the importance of having and practicing a testimony based on the truth of the Book of Mormon.

What can be done to help fortify my children who struggle alone? It sincerely beeaks my heart that I would be safe here and look after these children who are already watched over...stop and think of the "most effective ways" to help aide them to embrace who they are and being sin resistant  (not sinLESS).

Foremost is set an example of INTEGRITY. Make and keep covenants with God.

A succession of kept promises leads to Integrity.

I feel 100% confident that Joseph will keep a promise. We often mention a story about dogs and how Joseph is like the one who can go in public without a leash.

The gospel is,true, although the church us not, necessarily. Unless you place your faith in Jesus and his gospel unless you do it. People will dosappoint or destroy your faith.

A woman could not attend a special homor given to her son vecause ahe was on a mossion and she expressed a bit of that upset, but was chastised that she needed to remain a strong link and example to her son.

Don't worry. We are an eternal family.

We know of the God as a blessing that could only testify of itself because we understand the nature ofcthe Holy Ghost who can be with us.

The spirit does not abide in unclean vessels.

Do everything you promised at baptism/sacrament to have the spirit with you.

The spirit communicates through feels or the method that will be understood through you.

"Let us learn the language of the spirit." -T. Monson. Do not let that voice become unrecognizable.

Act immediately, just like we teach our children to obey us.

We rationalize, and second or third guess our feelings, but need to immediately respond or else we are dismissing the spirit.

(I have noticed nudges many times, I recognize, but I do not obey  because it does not seem right.)

If we respond quickly we will be marked as one who responds. Makes me think of the scene from "Ephraim's Rescue" or how Abraham obeyed each time and it seemed like being trusted by God became increasingly  more trying until he was asked to sacrifice his own son... not sure I want to be trusted by God it would lead to more sacrifice and service.

The miracle of turning water to wine is also a huge demonstration of how much Mary trusted him.

Mary accepted God's will without knowing what would happen.

Get back to simple practices of faith.

It might not seem to be related to be exact in obeying the little things, but they are related in that they build our character into one who is worthy and deserving of his blessings.

Please do not complain because we do not understand. Heaven never promises to give immediate answers.

It is taught that God is not a being that is knowable, but he appeared to Joseph Smith.

Communication between the Father and the Son...

How does knowing /undersranding God help us?

We know who we are and what we must become. Each can know it for themselves.

People who obey out of fear are not going to achieve a desired reaction, because acting out of fear does not lead to love or acting out of love which is what we really want.

We are soooo extremely blessed to be alove right now. It really makes me wonder at how I am wasting my priveledges.

"Be not afraid!"

Being a disciple is so extremely important. Trust that the Lord will fight for us and that no weaponvthat is formed against us shall prosper.

We need bold confidence that Lord will help us, but to act out of fear or cause fear in others is not good.

Christ's love will replace fear and becoming more kind and forgiving.

Comparison of a watchman and a prophet as said to Ezekiel. Warn the evil or their sin will be upon your head, but if you warn them, it is their responsibility.

Every man ought to warn his neighbor.

Liberalism, I think was just called a shame based society...

Those who lead feign nuetrality out of fear of offending others who have not chosen a similar social block.

The gospel will effect your family for generations.

"President, I don't like people."

He found his answer to help all the others in the way the savior taught of the parable of the young man who asked what him he should do to... the mission president prayed to know how the savior would (see each) speak if he was there.

Holy ghost warns people and it also comforts those who otherwise might be in pain. Also the Holy Ghost testifies of things. Those are the three things that the Holy Ghost will do for you.

God said, "you asked and I enlightened your mind."

"I want to be on the team for the other side from this side."

"JESUS CHRIST is the name of the light we must reflect."

We must be a light set on a hill...or in other words an example

Baby's first step is such a huge and monumental accomplishment. Physical  accomplishments are a whole lot like spiritual accomplishments.

Holy ghost enlightens our minds and it is comparable to a physical "baby step".

Weren't the urim and thumin just like training wheels for Joseph Smith to translate the book of Mormon.