Faith in Jesus Christ motivates us to do things we otherwise would not do.
Sunday morning
The prophet speaks for God and he emphasized the importance of having and practicing a testimony based on the truth of the Book of Mormon.
What can be done to help fortify my children who struggle alone? It sincerely beeaks my heart that I would be safe here and look after these children who are already watched over...stop and think of the "most effective ways" to help aide them to embrace who they are and being sin resistant (not sinLESS).
Foremost is set an example of INTEGRITY. Make and keep covenants with God.
A succession of kept promises leads to Integrity.
I feel 100% confident that Joseph will keep a promise. We often mention a story about dogs and how Joseph is like the one who can go in public without a leash.
The gospel is,true, although the church us not, necessarily. Unless you place your faith in Jesus and his gospel unless you do it. People will dosappoint or destroy your faith.
A woman could not attend a special homor given to her son vecause ahe was on a mossion and she expressed a bit of that upset, but was chastised that she needed to remain a strong link and example to her son.
Don't worry. We are an eternal family.
We know of the God as a blessing that could only testify of itself because we understand the nature ofcthe Holy Ghost who can be with us.
The spirit does not abide in unclean vessels.
Do everything you promised at baptism/sacrament to have the spirit with you.
The spirit communicates through feels or the method that will be understood through you.
"Let us learn the language of the spirit." -T. Monson. Do not let that voice become unrecognizable.
Act immediately, just like we teach our children to obey us.
We rationalize, and second or third guess our feelings, but need to immediately respond or else we are dismissing the spirit.
(I have noticed nudges many times, I recognize, but I do not obey because it does not seem right.)
If we respond quickly we will be marked as one who responds. Makes me think of the scene from "Ephraim's Rescue" or how Abraham obeyed each time and it seemed like being trusted by God became increasingly more trying until he was asked to sacrifice his own son... not sure I want to be trusted by God it would lead to more sacrifice and service.
The miracle of turning water to wine is also a huge demonstration of how much Mary trusted him.
Mary accepted God's will without knowing what would happen.
Get back to simple practices of faith.
It might not seem to be related to be exact in obeying the little things, but they are related in that they build our character into one who is worthy and deserving of his blessings.
Please do not complain because we do not understand. Heaven never promises to give immediate answers.
It is taught that God is not a being that is knowable, but he appeared to Joseph Smith.
Communication between the Father and the Son...
How does knowing /undersranding God help us?
We know who we are and what we must become. Each can know it for themselves.
People who obey out of fear are not going to achieve a desired reaction, because acting out of fear does not lead to love or acting out of love which is what we really want.
We are soooo extremely blessed to be alove right now. It really makes me wonder at how I am wasting my priveledges.
"Be not afraid!"
Being a disciple is so extremely important. Trust that the Lord will fight for us and that no weaponvthat is formed against us shall prosper.
We need bold confidence that Lord will help us, but to act out of fear or cause fear in others is not good.
Christ's love will replace fear and becoming more kind and forgiving.
Comparison of a watchman and a prophet as said to Ezekiel. Warn the evil or their sin will be upon your head, but if you warn them, it is their responsibility.
Every man ought to warn his neighbor.
Liberalism, I think was just called a shame based society...
Those who lead feign nuetrality out of fear of offending others who have not chosen a similar social block.
The gospel will effect your family for generations.
"President, I don't like people."
He found his answer to help all the others in the way the savior taught of the parable of the young man who asked what him he should do to... the mission president prayed to know how the savior would (see each) speak if he was there.
Holy ghost warns people and it also comforts those who otherwise might be in pain. Also the Holy Ghost testifies of things. Those are the three things that the Holy Ghost will do for you.
God said, "you asked and I enlightened your mind."
"I want to be on the team for the other side from this side."
"JESUS CHRIST is the name of the light we must reflect."
We must be a light set on a hill...or in other words an example
Baby's first step is such a huge and monumental accomplishment. Physical accomplishments are a whole lot like spiritual accomplishments.
Holy ghost enlightens our minds and it is comparable to a physical "baby step".
Weren't the urim and thumin just like training wheels for Joseph Smith to translate the book of Mormon.
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