Thursday April 13, easter program 6:30 7:30
Thankful for his wife and the great person he is.
Book of Mormon is the word of God.
The percentage of people who are Christian is decreasing but, I know that Jesus Christ lived and lives and is our Savior.
Story about getting a prompting to slow down which allowed him to stop exactly in the right time to save a life. The laws were exactly followed so he would have broken no laws, but he would have been disregarding the spirt and would have taken a life.
Legacy of service...that is what I have seen around here.
Please know that what you feel is love.
Always begin prayers thanking God for the knowledge that we know of God and his purposes.
"I brought a picture so I will look prepared, it is what the Ladies always do."
Even if they do not go to church, they believe in Christ.
He is begotten and so he has power to lay down his life and rake it up again,like Hercules.
(See Luke 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.)
What we take in become ourselves, so as we study Christ and try to emulate him be actually become a bit more spiritually like him.
When the Lord suffered our sons he did so literally, he sort of took us in and "Metabolized" us so we could live again.
Jesus needed to learn line upon line and grow he was not just instantly perfect.
If we recognized who we are we would be much more spiritually minded as that part of things that we recognized and grabbed onto, and assumed as us.
Story of a guy who would not unroll his sleeping bag so he would not have to roll it back up, but he froze to death in his sleep.
Examples of how we need to love and serve one another.
Being kind as an example teaches to notice other and be kind and loving.
Look at others for who they could be.
Story of an interview where a child misbehaved but authority just instantly over looked and commented about how hard/frustrating life can be.
If you can love people first. Know one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
Week after this service weekend, more info next week.
Will only do ok if you have a testimony.
If we believe in Christ we will be ok.
Watched video of Christ in prep for Easter. "To this end was I born".
How similar it is striking, I ought to be noticing all of the talk of how much the reliefsociety is made mention of as having helped in a funeral, and how the women were the first to administer to Jesus' body and reported it gone and yet they were not believed? This is a type for a thing. Only what I do not know.
"Shall I crucify YOUR KING" it is odd that one to rule over another king so that he may be able to put him to death...
Where is your symbol/crucifix?
The cross symbolizes the dead Christ we choose instead to remember the living Christ, our symbol is our members.
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