Charity-story of Valerie Wendell when see photo of Good Samaritan, how? she retold it. In nusery she had used the photo to tell the story, then Valerie told a group of other little kids retelling it in great detail.
Because of one choice now extended family is almost unnummerable.
Greatful that gospel was restored bc of great effect it has on us in making us and future generations of people better.
How many does the Lord want back vs the number of people who are at least aware and trying, we need to at least help others.
As we help others we are actually helping ourselves.
Without savior we wouldn't even have a hope.
Choice is a great value because we can choose to be happy.
Strongest person is likely the one who endured the greatest challenge. We will not be given any challange we cannot handle.
Quote about being optimistic by Abraham Lincoln.
She started in another language then said that it was not spoken on her mission. Ha ha ha, but wasn't it pretty?
We get stuck in situations wether by our own choices or not.
We need to make some sort of action. Even prayer is an action.
We get to try again even if we mess up.
Jesus was in control and he said "You only have power in that I give it to you." When his accuser said, "You know I have the power to determine your fate?"
Charity-what do you think of?
Story of going to Montana, met a man walking and her dad stopped and put his coat on the man. When he refused to go to their home. Or take a ride. Glad for the example from that story.
Pure love of Christ.
A lawyer was trying to trick the Savior by asking,"who is my neighbor?"
Story told by Monson about the dying man in a nursing home who was hated, but his nurse prayed to feel a portion of the Savior's love and she did and was able to cradle the man in her arms as he died. Then she was exhausted and needed to rest.
Good Samaritan was GOOD and a neighbor. Because he helped with no concern for self.
We might be asked, "Where is our neighbor?" After our journey on earth. And, what will be say?
Study life of Christ.
Pray to have Charity.
Learn to love yourself.
Know that we are not better than others.
Heavenly Father sees us at our best.
RS Social - Bring stuff 6:30 rain should not discourage you.
The difference of words associated with Marriage vs. Eternal.
World's view differs it lacks concern for others. It asks what does it do for us.
Plead for celestial marriage b/c it is crowning ordinance of Celestial kingdom.
Never spoke an unkind word. Joseph Fielding Smith says he did not know any.
*** Story about man who asked wife to think about it. So she did for 6weeks. It is the most significant choice.***
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