Monday, March 24, 2014

thought leech?

Typically, when I have a idea, be it deemed good or not, I put it into words and forget it. It is like if I speak my mind it is open for more, only last night did I realize it was like swimming in bloodsuckers, and If I do not get rid of them, I will be used till death. I had previously thought it was a matter of making room in my finite mind for grander thoughts, but I have been holding on and considering one.

The initial thought that I held and let it ruminate was "people are often rejected by others before finding a true fit." No big deal, but as I contemplated it, It lead me all over the place One time I was just starting a new thought about how fortunate I had been to not jump at my first opportunities. I was thinking of the song "Darker Side of Blue" And likely waaay off base, to me it was  perfectly acknowledging that the simple life is desired by others who become famous.  So, while I was thinking about ok, I'll admit it, I was fantasizing about giving a lecture to famous people who were suffering from a severe case of "the grass is always greener." As I was thinking twice about what gave me the nerve to even think such things, and before I started quoting lines I thought of The author Tal Bachman and figured that he might get angry for being so misunderstood, afterall I did not really know what the artist intended I only know what I thought, but then I thought, maybe I have been completely wrong about everything to do with him, and I filled what I knew into my new mental sieve.

Sure, he was divorced and so was not seen as perfect as I thought he was by one who would really know, not just assume. The song "Masquerade" comes to mind. Then the conclusion that everything I saw as perfect could still be so if "people are often rejected by others before finding a true fit."  Even he had said years ago something that supported the truth that was brewing in my mind he HOPED to find a new beginning. If I believed such a thing was possible it was a new application for my idea that others are no less than hoped for. Even our whole existence depended on believing a man was perfect when he was judged and killed for not being so.

So, I will conclude with the thought leech that I intentionally saved to give to my son. I had been teaching him an article of faith each month. This month it was "We believe that through the atonement of Christ all mankind maybe saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel." as I was studying it more deeply myself I found an answer for his question, "Why was Jesus the only one who could atone for our sins?" Well, admittedly, you can only pay for a thing if you have the money (something Americans are slowly grasping the idea of) so to pay for sins, one must have a reserve of perfection to give. Then, why not just God himself, Ah hah! Jesus is a part of the godhead, but why not just the father or one of his servants or even Christ himself in the spirit? Don't we pray and expect to be rescued, so we believe that he has the ability to do that. That is where I am currently at an impasse as a parent. I only know that after doing so, he had the power as the only begotten to raise up his body and so sort of undoing the terrors his accusers wreaked on his body. I suspect, and so it joins in as another thought leech to be known at a later date why his atonement had to be made in the flesh. And when it is removed, it will be huge! 

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