Today, my goal was to define who I wanted to,be and then become that person. Because, today our lesson was,about unity.
I realize that if a teacher is seen as awesome then maybe they got in the way, and sort of missed the point. Also when people,love a class it is because it closesly followed what they were thinking and people like instructors who think like them, so if a goal is to impress and astound others with you grasp on a topic, do not say much only ask questions and listen, and you will be amazed at how many people you impress with your amazing lesson.
So out lesson was about unity and today my goal was to decide who I wanted to be. I was thinking about unity and how liberating it is to think of someone else one other person is responsible for making choices and our choice is to merely obey.
Several notes that I never commented, but thought were important were that 1) a single word to define unity was teamwork. 2) in our church organization we are divided up into 'units' 3) when we sacrifice for someone we love them, the more we love them the more we sacrifice, (gladly) that is why we all became parents, to naturally learn this lessons through experience. IE: dad, can I have 20 bucks? 4) Christ set the example of showing how to be, we,should be like God. 5)God cannot disagree with himself, so we should never argue because someone isn't representing God's view. 6) and lastly, we cannot ever achieve unity with others unless we achieve it in our selves. It was commented how the objective of unity is peace, where there is no contention. And how there is a huge division constantly growing between Academia, science or logic (the world) and religion (God). To me it seemed like the very same battle fought by each individual, and sciencein all of it's fascination cannot produce the peace that relgious obedience can.
I decided that my foundation needed to be peace. We discussed "self-mastery" in terms of fasting in another of my classes. Through a fast we deny our flesh or the natural man to strengthen the spirit. That clicked with me,because it was about subduing that part, that was strong and I did not want a weak subject, like a man does not seek a weak bride, but they still want unity.
My mind tells me one thing and my heart tells,me another and my job is not to sort out the consequences, but to choose which one to obey. I know that only one is God's will, which I want to be single to. And I do not have a lot of time be aide we are fasting for unity in our stake next week, and I want to be united with my neighbors in a good purpose, so that requires I be single on my own.
I was going to say more in this paragraph about the encouraging fact that I have, but I am sort of did outraged from doing so.