Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Brain dump

When the Lord asks us to do something, obey.

Thought with everthing being shut down maybe we would not have class. - Brother Poll

--Can't we use the tools in the opposites, like swearing is placed in the mind.--

Some of our greatest doctrine/lessons are in the hymns. No hymnal page numbers only hymn numbers. Some people pay attention to this.

Brother Tanner gave a timely gift of money that allowed church to buy old French farm used as place to build temple.

Rebuked for not building a temple and that would allow the Lord to give blessings to them.

They were given dimensions for a temple and designations for each floor.

Why do we not record the specified dimensions anymore, but I susppose they are still specified by revelation.

Others saw a vision of what would be, and they testified that it did become the things seen.

Canadian guy thought of using dishes to make the plaster so it would glistening when the sun shown.

Don Carlos a 19 yrs. old and a high priest.

Joseph saw his brother in celestial kingdom when the brother had not been baptized and others thought or said he would go to help.

Brigham Young was a painter.

Part of endowment was done before temple was completed. Called the initiatory.

Called the Pentecostal time period because of the great experiences.

The brethren gaurded the temple and the grave yard because a nearby medical school would try to steal bodies.

People who had significant sacred experiences, were denied the first dedication because it was entirely packed and left the church because of it.

"Foxes have holes and birds have nests", gave a short talk of 1 and half hours. Sidney Rigdon was a great orator and that was their entertainment. They were better listeners.

Angels gaurd us and protect us as we take his name upon us.

Joseph Smith did not tell his story though it was very important because it was sacred.

Be careful how sacred things are shared.

He liked how studying a thing made him feel. Extremely fascinating!

David Patten translated the words of Brigham Young. He was a member of the quorum of twelve but cannot remember his birth year So another is given senority.

Significant spiritual events of temple dedication were later spoken of in Utah.

Essential things never change. In reference to the living revelation which is how the way things change and yet God is unchanged, but the way he communicates must.

Sacred things cannot leave the temple, but are not secret.

It is better to remain unspotted as that way the intention of instructing is easier to make without fear of being made light. For example, try to tell your young children about sex.

When very significant manifestations were made, others attended with the intent to redicule if others claims to supernatural happenings. So, we tend to get what we are looking for, the spirit was restrained as we learn that The things of God are not to be mocked, like how parables are used to say things but only to those who really listen.

Riches in Salem were not in money, but a better reward. A number of baptisms and number of ancestors.

Ask while in the trial what we should be doing.

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